There are those moments that you feel down, and unmotivated from the moment you awake. Maybe you had a bad night. Perhaps, it could be that you are extremely stressed or worried about particular work situations. Or maybe, you have come to the reality, where you do not know where to start? That, too, can establish a form of anxiety and tension. It can be difficult to perform and produce in the level, in which we have expected; the level we desire.

What can make waking up, with a negative aura, be so agonizing is how difficult it is to recover from it. Once we go downhill from that moment, it’s difficult to recover, within the course of the day. It’s why how we begin our morning is so critical. If the morning preparation is harsh, our work production will be hardened. A soft approach to our wake-up routine is crucial and vital, should we be the most productive, during any work day.

One of the best ways to clean up our morning days is to write a letter to ourselves. The letter shouldn’t just be any letter. In fact, it should be on of the most intimate letters, you have ever made to yourself. So intimate and satisfying, that you want to re-read it over, and over, again. Allowing it to be part of your daily, and morning, ritual. It should be so passionate, that you feel your energy level, and Spirits arise, the moment you read it. In case, you do not know where to start, here is a sample, which can guide you through your day.

Dear Self,
Today is going to be a blessed and joyous day. You may not be feeling that way. You may have fallen off the wrong side of the bed, as opposed to getting up. That’s ok! Pull yourself, anyway. There is nutritious energy for you to be part of. The world is your orchard, and there is plenty of abundant energy, that awaits you. Time is great. There are many particles of time. Are you allowing yourself to imagine just how magical it is? Also, are you permitting yourself to feel magic, once you have arisen? Did you meditate and reflect for the day? How is this feeling for you? Emotionally, have you gone through a release? It is something worth noting. Make that release, early on. Cry it out. Punch it out. Do whatever you have to do, in order to ensure that your day starts fresh. One of the sweetest treasures is to give love to yourself, and the Creator, once you awaken. Praise the Universe for another day to create and produce. That, in itself, is a miracle!

Dear Self,
Do you know you are treasured? Even if no one else has told you, know that you are. The Universe has given you the potential, and nourishment, for your contribution to her. Furthermore, there is an intrinsic factor, for the element in her Being. You are a reflection of her, and that’s what makes you beautiful. Know that you are part of a great, and awakened, destiny. Each day is a step for the treasures you seek. Each walk is a pattern of imprints you are using for the greater scheme of your purpose. Do not give up! Even if you are feeling awful when you wake up in the morning, do something productive, and creative, anyway. Work through yesterday’s and the morning’s hurt. It does you no good to take stuck, emotionally. Bring nourishment to your Spirit, if you need to find some healing. Get up early to find that healing, early on, during the day.

Dear Self,
Treasure each day. Do not allow others to steal your joy. Your energy is precious. So guard it, wisely. You deserve to be spiritually nourished, by your own existence. You deserve to be treasured, by your own company. So, sit and enjoy! There is beauty within your very existence. You don’t have to look outside, or copy another person’s identity, in order to find joy and fulfillment. You already have it, within. Let yourself feel just how rich you truly are. Focus on what you have and allow yourself to grow from that awakening, within. There is great care in observing the beauty, that one has, internally.
Make use of that beauty. Keep it hidden and protect. Only those, who have proven themselves worthy, under Universal eyes, should be allowed to experience it. Safeguard it and do not expose it, until the right people come along.

Dear Self,
Bring yourself to be true. Give yourself purpose for the day. Are you opened to the masterpieces of life? When you awake, early in the morning, experience, joy! Be open to peace, love, and abundance! Find pleasures in morning’s silence. Forget about all of the work you have to do. Forget all your responsibilities. Quiet your fears. During that sacred time to yourself, it’s just you and the Universe. You and the Creator. Go through this mental cleansing. Refresh yourself and prepare yourself for what you desire to accomplish. What are your aims for the day? Listen to holistic music, smell holistic aromas. When you cook breakfast, and make your morning tea, be sure that you enjoy every part of that moment. Do not simply rush through, in haste. Enjoy every part of that preparation time. You deserve it, and sacred preparation is, worth it!
Love yourself. Believe in your purpose. Share joy with the world. Bring light to your spacing, and fellow sacred Souls, around you. Feel happiness. Express care. Be selfFULL with yourself for a more, appreciated, YOU!