
“Steve Jobs!?”

“Me, a blogger!?”

“No, no. You pushing it too far!”

That may be the reaction of some of you right now on reading this title.


Well, hold on a little bit, let me explain how that is true .

Steve Jobs is known as the co- founder, chief executive and chairman of Apple Computer.

But what does he really do? What’s Jobs’ work in the company?

Just like you, he is a product designer.

You may snap back:

“But I’m not a product designer; I’m just a blogger!”

Well, that’s my message to you today :

You Are A Product Designer Just Like Steve Jobs.

Dear friend, your content is your product. That’s what makes you a product designer like Jobs.

Your Content, Your Product Of Design.

Og Mandino said in The Greatest Salesman in the World:

“A mulberry
leaf touched by the genius of man becomes silk.

A field of clay touched by the genius of man becomes a castle.

A Cyprus tree touched by the genius of man becomes a shrine.

A cut of sheep’s hair touched by the genius of man becomes raiment for a king.”

In the same way, a piece of electronics touched by the genius of Steve Job becomes an iPhone.

So shall a piece of idea touched by your genius becomes a valuable content.


Until you start seeing your content as a product,you will never touch it with the genius of your design.

Start seeing yourself as Steve Jobs – a designer – so shall your product/content reflect the Apple Effects on your readers.

Remember it’s all mindset, if you see yourself as a product designer you will produce masterpiece but if you see yourself as “another blogger”, you will produce something short of the genius of design.

I’m a designer, I don’t know about you !

Dare to tell yourself that each day, and you will produce nothing less than a masterpiece.