No matter what you do and how much time you spend at work every single day, having a proper office space that can inspire you and make you productive is vital. If that’s not the case, you won’t be ready to bring your A game every day of the week and will instead spend your workdays wondering when it’s time to go home. So, if you too want to design a modern office space for your employees and take their productivity to a new level, here’s what you need to do.


Each successful interior designer follows a series of steps that serve to come up with an idea, shape it and turn it into a quality product that will stand the test of time, teaches us an online course in the creative process in interior design. Productive and inspired employees need to have a space that’s exciting, welcoming and enjoyable. Open spaces and cubicles are two of the most popular spaces and both have their dos and don’ts, so be sure to make the right choice for your staff.

Most people feel open spaces are more vibrant, creative and flexible, so this might be the way to go if you wish to give your employees a chance to work in an environment that’s cool, but still professional. In the end, let them choose their own workspace, as this is the way to make sure they have just what they need.


This is another major issue when designing an office that’s going to be productive and inspiring, but most people still don’t pay enough attention to it. Still, if you want to give your staff a better office, don’t ignore the color scheme and the psychological impact certain colors have on people.

Green, for instance, is known for boosting people’s imagination, while red makes them react in a faster and more accurate way. Blue is inspiring, pink is calming, and white is modern, so all you have to do is decide what exactly you’d like to accomplish with these colors and repaint every wall in your office using them.

Storage solutions

This is a crucial part of every office design, especially in big offices with lots of people. Everyone needs enough storage space, both for all their personal belongings and their work-related stuff, and you simply can’t design an office without paying close attention to this issue.

It may seem that there’s a huge difference between giving each member of your staff their personal storage unit and finding a huge storage solution for them to share, but it’s basically the same as long as there’s enough room for everyone. A number of offices are exploring various versatile commercial storage solutions that could work for them and provide enough space for all their employees, so try that as well.


Getting enough natural sunlight comes with a number of other benefits – from making them more motivated and creative to helping them get more work done in less time. The easiest way to get more sunlight into your office is by keeping the windows open at all times or even replacing your old windows with newer and bigger ones.

If that’s not enough, be sure to install a new lighting system into every corner of your office, but don’t forget to use LED light bulbs instead of incandescent ones. These will give you a more natural look and make your workers more motivated than ever, while also making your office space greener and more sustainable than before.

Designing an office that’s inspiring and welcoming isn’t as hard as people generally think, but you need to put your mind to it and find the best solutions. Don’t be afraid to consult your employees as well and hear them out, because you’ll be able to design an even better space if you all work together.


  • Lillian Connors

    Business Advisor

    As a senior business strategist, Lillian Connors believes that the question of business goes far beyond the maximization of profit through different money-grabbing ploys. Instead, she likes to think that ethical principles should be at the core of every commercial venture, paving the way for much more balanced distribution of wealth on a global scale.