More than 100 million people today have diabetes or pre-diabetes. A recent study conducted by a team of American and Japanese researchers shows that people who have diabetes can vastly improve their health by eating an entirely plant-based diet.1
During my work with people who have diabetes, I have found they show remarkable improvement in their health and well-being from consuming a plant-based and almost completely raw-food diet.
Diabetics who would like to reduce their medications can now understand that the type of food they eat has a direct impact on their health. In 2014, Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy published a study in which researchers performed a meta-analysis of six significant prior research studies. Researchers found that a plant-based diet significantly improved blood sugar control in Type 2 diabetes.
The results were that plant-based diets improved a key indicator of blood sugar control, an indicator called Hemoglobin A1c. The results improved as much as 1.2 points, which is much greater than the effect of typical oral diabetes medicines.2 The benefits of excluding meat, cheese, and eggs from the diet was as much as 0.7 points in some of the studies, and averaged 0.4 points overall.
Dr. James Anderson studied 25 Type 1 and 25 Type 2 diabetics. This study involved placing the patients on a high-fiber, high- carbohydrate, low-fat diet in a hospital setting. Dr. Anderson initially put the patients on the American Diabetes Association recommended diet plan for one week. Then he switched them over to a vegetarian, plant-based diet for three weeks.
None of these patients were overweight when they started the study, but they were on insulin shots to control their blood sugar levels. All through the study, Dr. Anderson measured their blood sugar levels, their cholesterol levels, their medications, and their weight. Type 1 diabetics cannot produce insulin, and it was thought that dietary changes would not affect this situation.
But, the results showed that after three weeks on a vegetarian, whole-food, high-fiber diet, the “Type 1 diabetics were able to lower their insulin medication by an average of 40%”, “their blood sugar profiles improved dramatically”, and their “cholesterol levels dropped by 30%”.
These results were more impressive with the Type 2 diabetics who had not incurred as much damage to their pancreas. After three weeks on the high-fiber, vegetarian diet, 24 of the 25 Type 2 diabetics could discontinue their insulin medication completely.
The one Type 2 diabetic who wasn’t able to get off his medication had been a 25-year diabetic taking 35 units per day. After three weeks of vegetarian food, his requirement dropped down to only eight units per day. As he continued the vegetarian eating plan at home, he was able to cut out all insulin shots after another eight weeks.
Studies have shown that eating more plant-based whole food increases your dietary fiber intake. This can be extremely important to “protect from development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, some gastrointestinal disorders, hypertension, obesity, and non-insulin- dependent diseases. Furthermore, increasing fiber intake provides therapeutic advantages for management of high blood lipids, certain gastrointestinal disorders, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes”.
Besides adopting a plant-based diet, diabetics can take six important dietary actions to regulate their blood sugar and support their health:
1. chromium, 2. cinnamon, 3. omega-3 fatty acids, 4. Vitamin D, 5. zinc, and 6. unrefined, mineral-rich sea salt.
The mineral chromium helps transport glucose from the blood to the muscles. According to the National Institutes of Health, “Chromium is known to enhance the action of insulin, a hormone critical to the metabolism and storage of carbohydrates, fat, and protein in the body.”7 People who eat non-organic foods have a greater likelihood of being deficient in this important trace mineral. The chemical fertilizers used in industrial farming destroy chromium that would naturally be in the soil. This is one of many reasons organic food is always the best choice at the grocery store.
Chromium supplements should have GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor) on the label. It should say, “Chromium GTF”. Avoid synthetic supplements that don’t list whole, organic foods as the ingredients. (I purchase the brand “Innate” from “7 Lights.”)
Cinnamon is emerging as a true wonder food. Cinnamon is a spice, and it’s obtained from the inner bark of a few tree species. Research shows that cinnamon can help lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in people with Type 2 diabetes. Cinnamon contains antioxidants that create healthier arteries and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Cinnamon can also benefit us with increased alertness and energized senses. Even a teaspoon a day helps tame blood sugar levels.
Ceylon cinnamon is the best cinnamon to use. Cassia, Saigon, and Chinese cinnamon contain five percent coumarin, which is problematic for the liver. Ceylon cinnamon has only .0004 percent coumarin. Take it in capsule form or sprinkle it on your morning toast, oatmeal, or other dishes.
Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats our bodies cannot make and must obtain from food. Studies show that adding omega-3 to your diet promotes healthy blood sugar levels. Try adding cold- pressed, organic flax or hemp seed oil to your smoothies and other foods, like oatmeal chia seed pudding in the morning.
Vitamin D (known as the sunshine vitamin) is a prohormone; that is, a fat-soluble vitamin. It is in a family of compounds that includes vitamins D-1, D-2, and D-3. These vitamins can affect as many as 2,000 genes in the body.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine studied the medical information of 124 subjects between the ages of 36 and 89 with Type 2 diabetes. Those with the lowest levels of vitamin D had the highest levels of blood sugar. Only six percent of the subjects were taking a vitamin D supplement. You may need to address a possible vitamin D deficiency. I supplement my vitamin D intake with a whole-food, organic, raw multi-vitamin.
Zinc is one of the most important minerals used by the body. It helps with the production of approximately 100 enzymes. Zinc contributes to building up the immune system. Zinc is required for protein and DNA synthesis, insulin activity, and liver function.
Zinc is not really stored in our bodies, so we need a regular supply. Men need about one-third more zinc than women, because the prostate gland and semen are highly concentrated with zinc. A zinc deficiency may appear as skin problems, impairment of taste, a poor immune system, hair loss, diarrhea, fatigue, wounds not healing properly, or a poor or slow growth rate for infants.
Even if you eat zinc-rich foods, you may need a supplement, because phytic acid and dietary fiber in certain foods can inhibit the absorption of zinc. If you take a vitamin supplement of any kind (such as a multi-vitamin, vitamin D, chromium, or zinc), make sure it is in a natural form, not a synthetic one. Synthetic forms of any nutrient can be harmful to the body8. Instead, buy dietary supplements that show whole, organic foods in their ingredient list.
Unrefined sea salt promotes the proper balance for the endocrine, adrenal, and thyroid glands to function properly. It supports healthy blood pressure, detoxifies the body, and—along with water—is necessary for the optimal functioning of the immune system, hormonal system, and cardiovascular health.9
Dr. David Brownstein says low-salt diets “promote toxicity” and have:
…adverse effects on numerous metabolic markers, including promoting elevated insulin levels and insulin resistance. Low- salt diets have been associated with elevating normal cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, which in turn, have been associated with cardiovascular disease. Finally, low-salt diets will lead to mineral deficiencies and the development of chronic disease.10
In conclusion, you can see diet is a huge factor in curing or managing diabetes and preventing so many diseases that diabetes often leads to: blindness, amputation, stroke, and heart disease. It can prevent having to take insulin injections for the rest of your life.
It’s a personal decision that no one can make for you. I always feel it is so powerful when someone finally decides to take control of their health and well-being and choose to make the necessary changes. It all starts with making that decision and taking action to execute it.
Yokoyama Y, Barnard ND, Levin SM, Watanabe M. (Oct., 2014). “Vegetarian diets and glycemic control in diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” Cardiovasc Diagn Ther, 4(5): 373- 382.
Anderson, James W. (Dec., 1990). “Dietary Fiber and Human Health.” HortScience, 25(12): 1488-1495.
National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. “Chromium: Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet.” HealthProfessional/#h10
Hendler, SS, & Rorvik, D. (2008). PDR for Nutritional Supplements. Physicians’ Desk Reference Inc: Montvale, NJ. Includes the following relevant articles: Hendler, SS, & Rorvik, D, eds. (2001). “PDR for Nutritional Supplements.” In Medical Economics.
Montvale, NJ; Shils ME, Olson JA, Shike M. (1999). Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 9th ed. Williams & Wilkins: Baltimore, MD; R. Thiel. (2000). “Natural vitamins may be superior to synthetic ones.” Med Hypo, 55(6):461-469.
Brownstein, David. (2012). Salt Your Way to Health. 2nd edition. Medical Alternative Press.
To order her book on Diabetes And Your Diet, (Winner for General Health in the International Book Awards 2017), her book “Diabetes And Your Diet,” which includes more than 65 diabetic-friendly recipes on Amazon. Here is the link for her author page:
About Nancy
Nancy Addison, CHC, AADP, CPT, CSN is known for her inspirationally delivered Organic Healthy Life information as a #1 best selling, award winning author, international speaker, television show guest, columnist, W4CY radio show host and I Heart radio show host. Nancy counsels people to help them have better health, reverse diseases and live a longer, healthier life.
Her books have been endorsed by world-renowned medical doctors who recommend them to medical professionals and people seeking greater health. Author of 6 health and nutrition books, including the award winning, #1 best sellers: Raising Healthy Children, (Winner for the best Parenting and Family book of the year, by the International Book Awards 2017), and Diabetes And Your Diet, (Winner for Best Health Book of The Year, by the International Book Awards 2017) and award-winning and best seller: Second Edition of How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian, (Finalist in the Indie Book Awards (two catagories) and International Book Awards), etc.
Nancy has appeared on Good Morning America, Good Morning Texas, The Broadcast, CBS, Fox Morning Show, to name a few. Nancy stars in the documentary film, “Eating You Alive, “ released December 2016.
Nancy believes that when you give your body the right tools, it can do miraculous things.
Healthy Eating Can Be Delicious!
For more information, go to Nancy’s website at:

Nancy’s delightful celebration of healthy food and her passion for sharing her wealth of knowledge is entertaining, enlightening and many times, life changing. Nancy shares her favorite healthful tips for getting healthier and making healthy eating delicious in her presentations, counseling, radio shows and books! Nancy’s information packed books and presentations are inspiring! Her joy contagious! You will learn how to celebrate life by living a healthier lifestyle.
· Number One Best Selling Author of “Diabetes And Your Diet, “International Book Awards 2017, Winner, General Health Category and ” Raising Healthy Children,” (which won the Mom’s Choice Award For Excellence and International Book Awards 2017, Winner, Parenting & Family Category.
· Best Seller- Second Edition of “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian,” two-time Finalist of Indie Book Awards and Awarded Finalist – International Book Awards– General Health Category.
· Author of “Lose Weight, Get Healthy And Never Have To Be On A Diet Again!”
· Nancy Addison is Co – Author of “Alive and Cooking; An Easy Guide To Health For You And Your Parents” with Academy Award Winner, 2 x Emmy winner, and 2x Telly Winner, Documentary film maker- Maryann De Leo.
· Radio Show Host – I Heart Radio and W4CY Radio – Show’s name is Organic Healthy Lifestyle
· Star in Eating You Alive – documentary, also featuring Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Neal Barnard and Samuel L. Jackson.
· Certified Health Counselor by Columbia University
· Graduate and Certified Health Counselor of The Institute of Integrative Nutrition
· Board Certified Health Practitioner with The American Association of Drugless Practitioner
· Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition by Cornell University
· Certified Basic Intensive Health-Supportive Cooking – Natural Gourmet Institute for Food and Health in NYC
· Certified Raw Food Chef, Instructor and Teacher
· Graduate of Hollins College (now a University)
· Certified Personal Trainer with American Sports and Fitness Association
· Psychosomatic Therapy Certified Practitioner with the Australasian Institute of Body-Mind Analysis and Psychosomatic Therapy
· Awarded Woman Of The Year By The Association Of Professional Women (2013)
· Member of the American Nutritionist Association
· Certified International wildlife rehabilitation.
· Certified all-level, life-long teaching Certification in State of Texas
· Studied Conscious Organic Farming and Raw Food Cuisine at the Tree of Life
· Studied Mediterranean Cooking in Syros, Greece with Australasian College of Health & Sciences
· Studied with Natalia Rose in Detoxification
· Studied Culinary Arts at Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School in London, England
· Studied Chinese Gastronomy, London, England
· Studied Khmer Cuisine – Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Thai Cuisine in Chiang Mai, Thailand
· Food, Health and Recipe Columnist for Celebration Magazine and Park Cities News
· Larry Hagman’s Personal Chef and Nutritionist
· Member of National Speakers Association & Global Speakers Association
· Certified n Usui Reiki in Chiang Mai, Thailand
“It is my opinion, Nancy Addison’s program is a formula for high-level performance in our daily lives. I highly recommend Nancy as a health counselor & nutritionist; her seminars are fantastic and her books as great resources for recipes and health information. “
-Gary L. Massad M.D. –-First National Corporate Medical Director and founder of Occupational Health Centers in America. Attending physician to the Ironman Man Hawaii; Attending Physician, United States Triathlon Association;, Attending Physician United States Cycling Federation.
Contact Nancy at & Contact Nancy at 214-202-9243
Follow Nancy on twitter – nancygaddison Facebook: Nancy Addison – Organic Healthy Life