
The coronavirus pandemic has hit us all pretty bad. 

We have lost the people we love. We have got infected and we now have a huge social distancing paranoia that’s keeping us indoors and limiting our social activities

Students suffered the most with their education abruptly stopped or moving into complete digital education which has been hard for some sectors of society to keep up with the lack of proper facilities available to them

Pandemic comes with a lot of challenges and changes as a whole. 

In this article let’s look into the challenges and changes that’s about to come to the education industry post pandemic/ the near future.

Low tuition fee:

With everything moved online and the ease at which universities are running online, there is absolutely no need for an expensive fee at all.

The education industry has earned billions and billions of dollars in the past leaving alot of students with a debt that they can’t repay. This would have to change now with the huge changes in the way the world works

Unless a vaccine is invented, the chances of educational institutions to function normally goes to zero. It would be all digital and with a lot of economic crisis going around you can expect a significant reduction in fees

Greater emphasis on skill:

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With so many constraints and economic issues going around universities and other institutions would look for actual social and technical skills and mental abilities of the student more than anything else. 

Let’s face it. This world had a problem that we can’t even solve. What’s yet to come? We need people with skills and intelligence more than ever. We need problem solvers. Out of the box thinkers. 

Schools and other institutions would work harder to improve the creativity of students : let them think and create. You can expect this change in the education industry soon.

Smaller campuses:

Back in the days when we look for an educational institution we look at all the facilities it has. The testimonials from other students. The results the school produces and again rhe size of the institution

Now campuses are going to shrink in size as the need for physical presence has gone low and class room sessions are going to be limited to doubts special classes and exams and that too would come with loads of restrictions and rules

So we can expect campuses to shrink in size sooner or later

More College Prep in High school

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Let’s face the fact : 90% of students do not listen in classes. Now that everything’s online and recorded the ability to learn would become higher and students would suddenly see themselves having loads and loads of free time 

And with this excess time one can actually understand and analyze their skills and talents and have better self awareness of what they want and need in life. Which boosts their need to prepare for colleges, universities and other career related activities soon. 

Pandemic might have taken a toll on the mental and physical health of millions of children across the world but this could be a blessing for a lot of people across the world. 

It gets worse before it gets better. More are more independent with the reduction in social activities 

Digital classes to become a trend

This is the most obvious point of all : even if a vaccine were to be invented and even if we finally walk out of this covid 19 pit, students would get accostomed to online classes and there would be an option to skip physical classes and opt for online sessions. 

This was actually started before the pandemic started but now we have more reasons to be at home!

Hope this article helped and subscribe to Thrive Global to get more articles as such!
