Intl. Council for Caring Communities Concept Note for Proposed Side Event, Digital Innovation: Fostering Leadership Through Social Justice will discuss these important challenges and opportunity to improve the global digital outlook.
9 February 2024 – TIME (East Coast) 9:45 AM – 11:00 AM
Zoom Meeting ID – 836 3709 4103
Passcode – 801968
Zoom link https:///
In dedicating this side event to the leadership of the late Amb. Julia Alvarez (Dominican Republic), ICCC recognizes her contribution to engaging diverse populations, especially older persons, who would never have had an opportunity to empower themselves.
In “bringing everyone forward,” ICCC has assembled an online panel discussion with renowned experts from multiple sectors and UN Regions, including Japan, UK, Germany and the US.
The impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on helping families deal with autism will also recognize this important anniversary of the creation of the Intl. Day of the Family.
The importance of digital innovation in the mobility sector will be highlighted in terms of economic development and stimulus for persons with disabilities, who may be considered as part of a slower or “snail economy,” but which nonetheless is needed to make society Fit for Purpose and for the work programme of the Summit for the Future. There needs to be inclusion of all to create leadership by all.
Partnering for peacebuilding is enhanced when vulnerable sectors, such as women, youth, and older persons are enabled with ICT skills. Thus, they may help in having a voice to rebuild and “e-build” their societies in a forward-looking way and create new leadership at all levels, including through recovery in disasters of all types.
The list of speakers and presenters are:
Mr. Mark Barasch, CEO, NuCycle Energy – Moderator
Mr. Yuichi Nakamura, CEO, Nakayoshigakuen, Japan
Mr. Chris Roberts, Founder, Freedom to Thrive, UK
Mr. Nathaniel Douglass, Cambridge University, UK
Ms. Melanie Schnepf, Bosch Mobility sector Ltd., Germany
JoAnn Rolle, Ph.D., Dean School of Business, Medgar Evers College, CUNY, CEO, JD. Rolle & Associates