Disappointed About Having To Get A Side Job? Disappointed About Having To Get A Side Job

I’ve had several conversations with women who feel disappointed about having to get a side job because they were unable to bring in enough income through their own business. They even admitted to feeling ashamed and like a failure.

If you are currently in this situation, then I would like to share something with you that may shift your perspective in a big way.

What I’m about to reveal to you is exactly what I shared with an incredible client I’m working with to help her enroll people into her program.

So here it goes.

You are NOT alone.

There are so MANY women building their businesses while working a full time job or a part time job on the side.

I had a client who was able to finally quit her full time job. She told me it was PAINFUL to wake up every single day and work 12 hour days.

7 days a week of time invested at a job where her stellar performance wasn’t appreciated.

But she showed up anyway.

She BELIEVED it was a temporary situation.

Her belief drove her to get resourceful and creative about building her business.

She devoted 3 hours a week to focus on her business, so she could not only make a difference in people’s live but create a better life for herself.

One hour for skill building and training classes.

One hour for implementing what she learned in the training classes.

One hour to build an audience and sell her program.

This is still her schedule today but now she has an assistant who works 5 hours a week to help her amplify her online presence.

I had another client who had to literally flee from an abusive relationship with 5 children under the age of 10.

She didn’t have a supportive family and was on her own. She and her children lived in a woman’s shelter for almost eight months.

She worked two jobs to save money for a place to live and to invest in her business. She worked on her business during her 30 minute lunch breaks at her jobs.

It was extremely difficult for her and she was so close to giving up many times but she stuck with it.

I just spoke to her the other day and she told me she bought her first home with a room for each one of her children.

Her DREAM home.

Because of her journey, she helps women who are in unhealthy relationships become financially dependent and build generational wealth.

I built my business from the ground up on bed rest for almost a year after a near death experience. I couldn’t get a job because my life was on the line.

After I recovered, I worked at a hole in the wall bar to invest in a coach to help me skyrocket my business.

This was a $10,000 investment.

That scary investment paid off.

I have many more stories of women who I have worked with and who have mentored me over the years.

You’re definitely not alone with experiencing challenges.

Good thing your faith is strong.

When times are challenging, that when we need to practice faith the most.

Keep your focus on your ultimate vision because everything that you’re doing is leading up to it becoming a reality.

Always remember…

You deserve happiness, abundance, freedom and anything else your heart desires.


  • Stacie Walker

    Marketing Expert, Business Strategist, International Best Selling Author and Award-Winning Podcast Personality

    Stacie helps online coaches, consultants, healers and service providers accelerate their business growth to consistently attract their dream clients and generate cash flow. Nothing makes Stacie happier than seeing the people she works with design an incredible life doing what they love. Best of all, they can do it in a way that's aligned with their mission, vision and PERSONALITY. Stacie's expertise and life experiences have been showcased in The Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Voyage Denver, Ambitious Entrepreneur Network, Funnel Magazine, Women on Business, Evan Carmichael, and Morpheus just to name a few.