Hello all you lovely people.

The New Year. What a tricky time for us all. The idealist in us hales in the new year as an opportunity for a fresh start. A time to gather ourselves and resolve to do better, be better and feel better. These are wonderful intentions but sadly that’s often all they remain as; intentions.

Maybe it should be called New Year’s Intentions. Less pressure that way.

Seriously though, New Year is actually a good time to make intentions just not the perfect time to execute them. We are often on holidays, out of routine which people think is the perfect time to start a new habit but actually habits are best formed as part of your normal routine. Start when life is a bit boring or mundane.

So, if you didn’t make any resolutions or you have been unable to stick to your own resolutions already, no need to panic! Use this time to think about some goals you would like to achieve this year.

 A good framework is the old “healthy, wealthy and wise”.

Think about your health goals.

  • Do you want to lose weight?
  • Do you want to improve your strength?
  • Do you want to stop smoking?
  • Do you want to reduce your risk of chronic disease?

Think about your wealth goals?

  • Do you want to pay off your credit card each month?
  • Do you want make sure you have enough in your super accounts?
  • Do you want to save enough to go on a holiday?

Think about your wise goals

These are you learning goals. Our brains are like sponges and love to learn new things.

  • Do you want to learn to knit, play chess, to paint, to build engines?
  • Do you want to learn to sing, to do cryptic crosswords, take a class?
  • Do you want run a business, change careers? 

These are the things top ponder over this time. After you think about what you want to achieve, the next question is really how are you going to do it?

The answer- You need a plan!

At Real Life Medicine, we have a plan. We want to reach as many of you as we can. This year, 2020 is the year for that. We have our programs in the making. We have a goal, we have a plan and we are doing it!

The plan? Launch our program ASAP of course but you know what? We’re not going to launch a rubbish product-so if it takes a bit longer, so be it. Patience! (Aargh something we’re not very good at it!)

If you’re like us and a bit impatient, then the good news is that you can have video consults with us. We have both set aside time slots for most days and some evenings. You can chat with us in your pyjamas if you like at a time that suits you. It’s so simple to arrange.

Click here

 So, for all of you have signed up and are supporting us on Facebook, thank you so much we truly appreciate your support. Good things are going to happen to us all in 2020

 With love and good health,

 Dr Mary and Dr Lucy

Real Life Medicine