To cherish and be cherished with your first date and when you make the move to move in, keep these few points in mind.

  1. First Date: Never have sex: With sex, I say leave them wanting more. I say if the person is HOT, and you could really learn to adore them, make the first date about the KISS yet don’t sleep with them. See if they come back for seconds.
  1. First Date: Never assume: If you go into a date with expectations, you’re not even present to the moment. Even once you meet them and &%#^ they’re shorter than they said they were, breathe. Stay in the moment. Don’t check out just because it’s not what you expected. Sometimes God has a sense of humor. Stay open.
  1. First Date: Never be ungrateful: YOU HAD A DATE! There are people home alone tonight! You may not have heard trumpets playing when they arrived, yet be grateful you’re on a date! Enjoy being alive, out there, engaged with someone. Enjoy the adventure, the mystery, the company even if they’re not the One. Miracles come to those who are positive, open, allowing and appreciative.
  1. Moving in: Never keep your full Star Wars collection: Ok you can keep it all, but the point is MAKE ROOM for each other’s expression. Put your Star Wars memorabilia in your man cave. Let her decorate the living room. Let her know you’re making room for her as a priority.
  1. Moving in: Never bring ex’s framed photos: I’m all about healthy breakups, yet when you move in with someone, your framed photo collection ought NOT to include your ex’s. Fresh relationship. Fresh photos.
  1. Moving in: Never NOT have the talk: Yes. I want you to talk about sex. About money. About freedom. BEFORE you move in talk about exclusivity or not, no surprises here please. Talk about money, expectations, what to do if, how you’ll handle things, don’t assume. And talk about what brings you joy to be, do, have outside the relationship such as girl’s night, boy’s trips, whatever nourishes you and encourage your partner to continue this even though you’ve moved in. Or you’ll pretzel yourself into who you think they want you to be, and both YOU and the RELATIONSHIP will suffer.

Intimacy Expert Allana Pratt’s passionate devotion to her audience via her podcast, blog, and coaching sessions helps men and women reclaim their joy, freedom and personal power dating and in relationships.


  • Allana Pratt

    Intimacy Expert

    Intimacy Expert Allana Pratt inspires open-hearted courageous living, with delicious sass. Her passionate devotion to helping men and women reclaim their joy, freedom and personal power dating and in relationships is rooted in her own experience. She challenges and inspires her clients to be unapologetically true to themselves, & to bow in reverence to their exquisite spiritual and sexual nature.