My daily priorities revolve around my two daughters, work, my health, and maintaining key relationships. As a single working mother raising two daughters, who has the time to take on MORE?? I’m always grateful for people who actually “have the time” and dedicate themselves to non-profit organizations helping improve the world. Well, rolling into 2018, I decided to make more time. Most people don’t “have the time”, they simply prioritize helping others.
Set your intention, then open yourself up to opportunities
Shortly after setting my intention, my good friend Laura Rubin called me and asked me if I wanted to get involved with this incredible organization, Global G.L.O.W & the HerStory campaign. Global G.L.O.W. creates and operates innovative programs, all in pursuit of one bold mission — to ignite the power of women and girls as a force for global transformation.
I normally may have told her, “sounds great, but I don’t have the bandwidth”. But on that day, I said YES. As a mother of two healthy little girls who are so fortunate to have access to great public schools, abundant resources, daily reinforcements of their strength, voice, beauty… I had the power to help other little girls and was eager to get involved.
Why Global G.L.O.W.? (Girls Leading Our World)
Global G.L.O.W Founder and CEO Kylie Schuyler is also a mother. In fact, she and her husband have seven children, so who am I to say I have no time to help!
Girls’ voices are silenced when they can’t read, write, or feel free to tell their stories. This must change. At HerStory clubs in 27 countries (including the U.S.), local mentors are trained to support girls’ emotional and educational journeys, amplify their voices, and engage their communities for change. HerStory is being highlighted at the UN’s 62nd Annual Commission on the Status of Women in New York this week. Since its founding in 2012, Global G.L.O.W. has positively impacted more than 5,600 women and girls annually. As soon as I heard about it, I knew this was something I had to get involved with. And I’m so glad I did.
My advice…start somewhere, anywhere. Do something little (or big).
Like many of you, every year, I’ve thought about wanting to do more, whether that’s time or money. However, this desire doesn’t always translate into actually creating the time or prioritizing financial resources. Simply navigating all the options and figuring out which organizations to support can seem overwhelming and can become a blocker for moving forward. Get over it. Forgive yourself, and move forward to take action. Find an organization that speaks to you and just get started somewhere, get involved. Ask, how can I help? Start small, but do something.
Originally published at