We must, we must, we must increase our bust. The bigger the better, the tighter the sweater, the boys depend on us. For every girl out there raised in my generation, I’m sure you’ve heard this at one time or another or have read this book. Are you there God, it’s me Margret. Remember this book?
It’s a story about a six-grade girl who didn’t have a religion and was going through adolescent issues such as puberty. From having her first period, getting her first bra to liking boys, Margret had these struggles she had to deal with. And even though she had no religion she always turned to God for answers. Going through puberty can be a very tough years of a young girls life.
As a teenager and being new to the area, I would over hear girls at my school talk about this book. They would giggle about the topic of sex, growing boobs, and liking boys. Of course it’s one of those books, that back in the older day, some parents wouldn’t allow their young daughter to read because of the topic on sex, but most girls would find a way to save up money to go get a copy of this book. It was like a little secret we all had, but something that was so important to talk about.
The one part that most girls talked about is Margaret standing in the mirror saying I must, I must, I must increase my bust and doing the exercises to make her boobs bigger. I’m sure at one point every young girl would stand in their mirror doing the same exercises in hopes of seeing their boobies blossom. It’s a book that gave us young girls confidence and the courage to talk to others about this important part of our lives.
Being that I was in sixth grade and had moved to a new state, just like Margret, I was eager to want to fit in. By hearing girls giggle about this book, I wanted to be knowledgeable about these feminine issues so I had something in common to talk about.
What I admired most is how Margret had her own secret relationship with God and could talk to him anytime she wanted. Being that I was raised in a religious family, I like the fact that I too could talk to God alone anytime I wanted instead of waiting to go to church to do so.
I’m so happy to hear this book is still on bookshelves and one that all young girls going through puberty should read. It helps to give them insight on what to expect and questions to ask their moms. Plus it gives them confidence going through these important life changes. I still have my book from years ago, which I shared with my niece, who loved it.