With such a large portion of the population living in the here and now, it’s easy to forget about the future. It’s easy to think you’ll live forever, but disaster can strike at any time. You
won’t be in the same job forever, and you need to take care of yourself when you’re past
working age.
If you haven’t invested in your future, now is the time to do so.
1. Plan Your Estate
Up to 60 percent of Americans don’t have plans for their future. What will happen to your assets, business, family, and property when you die? If you want it to go to the right people, contact an attorney about writing a will and planning your estate.
“Almost everyone leaves some assets behind when they pass away,” says Jackson White Law Firm in Arizona. “Some people plan extensively for the distribution of their assets when they’re gone, while others leave little instruction behind. The process of determining the distribution of assets after someone’s passing is called probate. Whether there was a will or not, legal assistance can help tremendously when going through this process.”
2. Buy Stocks or Invest
A great way to double, triple, or even quadruple your earnings is to learn a little about stock investments and put your money towards a low-risk investment. Put a decent amount of time and research into this venture before taking the plunge. Trying to play the stock market without knowledge is a recipe for disaster.
Although stocks are a useful way to invest, there are other, less risky financial investments. Albert Einstein once said, “The power of compounding interest is the most powerful force in the universe.” In other words, putting your money in a high-interest savings account, and leaving it untouched for a decade or two can help create a financially secure future.
3. Educate Yourself
If higher earnings, more respect, and a better outlook on life are your goals, there’s no better avenue than education.
“Investing in education is critical to fostering growth and innovation for generations to come,” said Susan Whiting, vice chair at Nielsen. “The head-spinning pace of technological change is creating new opportunities—and presenting new challenges. Improving our children’s education is the surest way to ensure a brighter future.”
4. Network Now
The relationships you build now will have a profound impact on the way you operate in the future. Not only will you find great satisfaction in having friends and acquaintances that respect you, but you’ll also have a network of people to contact for professional reasons. If you start a business or need a leg up on your career path, the people you make friends with now will help you on your way.
Be professional, kind, and courteous to everyone you meet. Avoid situations that might harm your reputation. With time, you’ll be known as someone who’s liked and respected, which can be incredibly useful.
5. Develop Healthy Habits
Stable finances and intellect don’t mean as much if you don’t have your physical health. Although some illnesses and physical limitations are unavoidable, others can be completely avoided by adopting some healthy habits early on.
Start with food and exercise. Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet, and follow the CDC’s recommendation of getting at least 150 minutes of exercise each week. Avoid bad habits like smoking or too much alcohol consumption, and work on improving your sleep habits. These investments in your health will keep you working hard and loving life for much longer than anything else.
6. Purchase Life Insurance
A key part of estate planning is the purchase of life insurance, which protects your family from financial hardship in the event of your death. They’ll receive a certain amount of money based on the policy you take out to cover funeral expenses, lost wages, medical bills, and other financials associated with your unexpected death. Premiums are usually very affordable, and you’ll have significant peace of mind because of your efforts.
Other than that, life insurance can be a huge asset if you find yourself in financial trouble down the road. By taking out permanent or whole life insurance, you can borrow money against the value of your policy or set up an investment account.
“It’s a personal loan from an insurance company, using the life insurance cash value as collateral,” finance writer Michael Kitces explains. Of course, you’ll get more benefit from it if you don’t take out the loan, but it’s still a great way to help you out of a jam when unexpected financial burdens pile up.