Books change a billion lives. They change mine. They will change yours. But only if you read, understand, and apply.
Some people read fast. Others slow. It doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that you read and then think about what you read as you take purposeful action.
Some books change lives. Some are famous and well known. Others no so much. These are the hidden books, the diamonds:
by Sam Bracken
We all need to live our true selves. This book gives us motivation and actionable insights do to just that. When you live your life from a place of passion you will be able to overcome any obstacle that gets in your way. The author of My Orange Duffel Bag outlines a perfect game plan for living a life with purpose and power. This book will help you leave your baggage behind and find your true self. The message of responsibility combined with self-awareness and forgiveness will allow you to access your inner strength and live the life you were meant to live.
Willpower Doesn’t Work
by Benjamin Hardy
Want to truly understand your potential? Read this book. In groundbreaking fashion, Benjamin Hardy helped me understand that the true power needed to accomplish anything doesn’t come from willpower, from rather from making a decision and a commitment. This book will help you accomplish more in less time than any other book–by changing your entire approach to confidence and personal commitment. Also, once you understand that your environment is everything. You can and should set yourself up for ultimate performance. Do it by reading this book.
The 5 Second Rule
by Mel Robbins
This book will help you become more confident, increase productivity, develop a powerful mindset, and conquer anxiety. I love this book because the content is stellar and the testimonials are impactful. The author’s rule is simple, the application is practical, and her ideas will change your life.
by Daniel H. Pink
Timing matters. What you do is just as important as when you do it. This book helps you understand that timing is more of a science than an art and you can master this science. Filled with incredible research and fascinating stories, you will be able to create a better future for yourself and those you care about.
Brave Leadership
by Kimberly Davis
Through relatable stories and poignant questions, this book helped me uncover the truth behind authentic leadership: That becoming vulnerable will help you lead others with your own, authentic voice. You will discover how to uncover and remove barriers, escape overwhelm, connect powerfully, and unleash the power of the people your serve.
Leadership and Self-Deception
by The Arbinger Institute
This book will improve your relationships better than any other book. Through a powerful story, it identifies the central issue that ruins all relationships, then provides tools on how to overcome it. When you begin to recognize your own personal deception and then start to see others as humans and not as objects, every situation in your life will drastically improve.
The Motivation Myth
by Jeff Haden
If everyone would apply the ideas found in this misconception-breaking book by Jeff Haden, most motivational speakers would go out of business. This book helps you understand how to achieve your goals, how to prioritize meaningful action and to create better plans. As I focused on doing and accomplishing as taught in this book, I began to create the life I wanted with motivation to spare. This book will help you accomplish what you know you are capable of, without any of the fluff.
In conclusion… You know you need to read more. So do it.
When you read, you teach yourself while learning from others. You discover what is available and how to connect your potential with the possibilities of a larger world.
Reading helps you develop skills both professionally and personally. You can find greater meaning by connecting with the stories of others.
When you read, your mind improves, your life improves, and you will feel a greater sense of meaning and purpose.
Take some time to read more. You will become a better version of yourself if you read more books.
You are stronger than you think. You are more capable than you know.
You others and create a lasting impact. You really do. Keep going.
P.S. –
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