If you falter, if you lose your creative spark, if you lack in confidence, there is one place you can awaken these feelings again.
There is one place you are always home, always belong. Go to the forest, the mountains, the lake’s shore or ocean’s edge. Go out into the fields. Sit or stand, watch and listen.
The edge is where creativity and potential begin.
Outside with mother earth.
Mother Earth would love to be your muse, your confidante, your foundation.
Don’t worry if you are religious. Who do you think created all of this? In Christianity people are asked to steward the creatures of the world. I don’t believe that Jesus or Mary would mind if you connect with either of them through creation. In Islam, there is no separation between study of nature from knowing God.
The problems of our time seem vast. The feelings of overwhelm, confusion, anxiety about the future. And yet, nature has always had a creative solution for every problem. Look at any living being. It represents a solution. One solution for how will life express itself.
Nature has always had a creative solution for every problem
Take any seed. It represents potential. Nature has seeded the environment will all the inspiration and ideas we could ever need.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or concerned, take a pause and sit with Mother Earth. Lean on the mother who will always love you unconditionally. She is the mother who will always share wisdom, creativity, and acceptance with you.
There are many days filled with angst over the future, apps, algorithms, administrative tasks, and annoying repetitive needs like clean laundry and healthy meals. But to be consumed by these things is to forget. It is easy to get consumed and forget that each moment is a brief nugget of existence in this bright and beautiful life.
Today you can tell yourself that you will take 2 minutes to step away from the mind chatter and consuming tasks of the modern world. Take 2 minutes to stare at the sky, a leaf, a hill, or rock.
Don’t bring your agenda and your to-dos. Bring your attention and open observation. Take notice and awareness and simply sit and see. Take two minutes to see the existence of life outside of yourself.
Take two minutes outside
Cultivating a habit of 2 minutes meditating upon and immersing yourself in nature will shift your center back to a place of hope. If you’re really locked into your ways and feeling anxious, worried, and hopeless, take 5 minutes. Let nature unfold your belief in yourself, humanity, and positive potential again.
As with any habit, you will notice a slight difference on day 1, more difference by the 5th day, and by 2–3 weeks in, you will have momentum and noticing how the positive feeling is creeping into the rest of your life.
If you want more guidance in tapping into nature’s wisdom or your own inner wisdom, come get a free Take Action Guide at SoulPioneer.com. I’m Rachel Strivelli, Learn about how to connect to and understand your inner nature and wisdom and how that connects with the natural world. I’m an Inner Wisdom Teacher & Coach. Connect with me or comment here.
Originally published on LinkedIn.com