by Laura Cadieu

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you”

James Allen in “A Man Thinketh.”

When you feel fear, it can feel quite scary. As you try to move forward there seems to be a monstrous energy holding you back. Fear is really a deeper need for help, or maybe respect or maybe even love. When we feel fear we can lose sight of what is real.

Fear can be defined as fantasized experiences appearing real.  Fantasies can come in two shades, either light or dark.  Sometimes our fantasies are childlike, innocent and pure filled with hope.  At other times they can be quite dark with a foreshadowing of doom and gloom.  One fantasy is helpful, and one is hurtful.

Stressful times like these during a Global Pandemic can make you feel scared and fearful, frustrated,anxious or sad. Maybe all of the above!

If you listen to the news too frequently it may make you have a negative mindset. It is easy to convince yourself of negativity when you are inundated by all the medical evidence that these are dark times. No one is doubting that fact.

But, a scary fact about fear is it can also make you doubt your own self-worth. When you approach life with a fearful mindset you can listen to your own limiting voices, like, “Who do you think you are,” “You’re not good enough,” or “I’m not worthy of ….” , and then the true purpose of your life will evade you. 

A negative mindset can affect your physical body and thus weaken you. Certainly not what you need right now.

On the other hand, when you keep your mind focused on positivity you can feel pulled forward in an effortless way. If you look for the positivity in a situation, like how can I use all this newfound “free time” to my advantage you can actually strengthen your immune system. Positive thoughts allow your body to secrete endorphins in the brain and help you experience less pain and increase your pleasure. 

Just by changing our thoughts you can become more resilient. 

How powerful is that? 

Now this takes time to perfect, and don’t I know it!  Life gives you constant opportunities to change your thinking. This is exciting because it means you have the power to change for the better each and every day.

If you’ll allow your mind to gradually transfer from negative thoughts to positive thoughts, you can literally reprogram your mind over time.  No one can stop you from thinking more positively, not even yourself, unless you let them.  

Start negating all those negative thoughts one by one and see if today you can work on something you’ve been putting off for far too long.

Don’t allow yesterday’s pain and hurt to flow into today’s reality.   Little by little move away from a place of fear and embrace life with confidence in yourself and an inner knowing that you can achieve your goals.

With each dawn you’re given a new chance, how exciting is that?

How will you want to say your day went …Positive and productive, right?

I want more for you and I hope you want more for you, too! 

Come to the edge, He said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge he said. They came. He pushed them, And they flew” Guillaume Apollinaire