Monday was Working Parents Day (who knew?). As a firm with a “whole person” philosophy, we want to take time to honor all of those parents – and frankly, all those people – who are fighting and winning the battle for balance. 

We all know that making time to cultivate a life outside of work is hard. The pressures to do your best at work – and to be the parent, child, sibling, friend or neighbor you want to be, all while taking care of your own physical, emotional and spiritual well-being — can be overwhelming. Being everything you want to be, for the people who mean the most to you, when they need you most, is a major undertaking. Sometimes we are just so busy that we can’t enjoy the moments that matter.  

But rather than focus on all the inevitable misses and mishaps, why not celebrate where we’re winning, even in small ways?  

Last week, we were inspired by our own Notion Consulting team member, Jill Semegran. Jill’s family was facing a hectic first day of school – she had two high-energy kids transitioning into 4th and 7th grades. On the same day, she had to drive to an important client meeting that was an hour away. She managed to get the kids off to school, give her best at her meeting, and make it back just in time to take her kids shopping for school supplies before the stores closed. The shopping was fun, and afterward, her kids were all smiles. The family was grateful to have time together after their big day all around.  

Some days, it’s not possible to be everything to everyone who needs you, but on this day, Jill made it work. So she celebrated! Jill sent us a photo of her son, smiling proudly in front of the store, ready to face the school year head on. On the photo, Jill wrote simply, “Working Parent Win!”  

We get you, Jill.  

Congratulations to you, and to all the working parents out there who are figuring it out, one small win at a time.