I must decide upon the direction and the destination of the organization and its employees.
Quiet quitting is the emerging phenomenon of employee disengagement, essentially quitting on the job. What strategies do high-impact leaders deploy to motivate themselves and those around them to move from quiet quitting to quiet committing? Because, at its core, there is no change without commitment. Commitment to change ideas. Change beliefs. Change perspectives. Change routines, rituals and boundaries. Organizations change one commitment at a time. One leader at a time. As part of our series about “Quiet Committing: The Top Five Commitments High Impact Leaders Make & Keep To Themselves Daily”, we had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Derrick Noble.
Dr. Derrick Noble, “America’s Leadership Authority”, has been helping business leaders take their leadership and communication skills to the next level of excellence for two decades. His passion has led him to support those from all walks of life to become more influential leaders and more confident communicators. His clients throughout the years have included The United States Air Force, The United States Navy, The FBI, United Farm Workers, The United States Forestry Service, the City of Los Angeles, and so many more. He is the author of the best-selling book, Leadership Launch: Essential Skills for New Leaders.
Thank you for making time for our visit. What was the first job you had, and how did that job shape the leader you are today?
I chuckle each and every time someone asks me that question, because my first job both destroyed and fortified my self-esteem at the same time. My first job was as a waiter and table busser at Casa Bonita, a popular Mexican restaurant in Little Rock, Arkansas. Both my older sister and older brother had worked at “Casa Bo” as everyone affectionately called it. One day, as I was enjoying a free meal there when I was in Jr. High, Rick — the manager — said to me, “You know, you’re a legacy. Both your sister and brother worked here and they were exceptional employees. So, when you are of age and you’re ready for your first job, you don’t even have to apply. Just come see me, and you’re hired!” When that day came, I did exactly that, and was given my signature Mexican-styled shirt and black pants.
It didn’t take long for it to become apparent to Rick, myself, and the customers that I sucked at food service! I didn’t move fast enough, I often forgot which tables were which, and I took any and all complaints very personally. On top of all that, I hated always being wet with dishwater or going home smelling like refried beans and taco sauce. On the day before I was mercifully given the opportunity to resign without the indignity of being fired, Rick privately said to me — in an almost sorrowful tone — “Well, clearly you’re not your sister or your brother, huh?”
As I felt my self-esteem coming apart at the seams with Rick’s statement, out of nowhere a sense of boldness arose within me. I squared my shoulders, looked him directly in the eye and replied — with a smile — “Well, I may in fact be a terrible waiter, but I absolutely shine in other areas. And I do those things better than most people ever could. Just watch!” Within months, I would be elected student body president of my high school, be selected as the drum major of the marching band, be sworn in as Arkansas Boys State Governor (with my oath of office being administered by then-Governor Bill Clinton), and I would be one of only 100 U.S. high school students selected for the United States Senate Youth Program, where I would spend the summer shadowing my senators from Arkansas: Sen. Dale Bumpers and Sen. David Pryor.
I am the leader I am today because of the realization that I came to on that day in that hot kitchen of a Mexican restaurant: failure is an event — not a person. Just because I was a terrible restaurant employee didn’t mean that I was doomed to be a terrible person. It simply meant that — for the time being — I was out of place. So, it was incumbent upon me to discover my strengths and play to those. I learned that great leaders do not have to be great at everything; but they do need to know their strengths, know their weaknesses, and be wise enough to surround themselves with people who are strong in their weaker areas. I have kept that lesson and taught that lesson around the world ever since.
We’re talking about quiet quitting in this series. What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned from a job you decided to quit?
The greatest lesson I learned from a job I decided to quit is very clear: limited people will limit you if you allow them to do so. Here’s what happened. I had just graduated from my Master’s degree program and had been hired as an entry-level department director for a multi-million dollar organization. One of my personal goals had always been to eventually earn my doctoral degree. But, I felt the need to get some valuable work experience before going back to school to pursue my terminal degree.
After about a year on this job, I shared with the CEO of the organization — the one who had hired me on the spot a year earlier when he heard me deliver a presentation on developing in-house employee training courses — that I had planned to enroll in a doctoral program one day. He immediately became angry and snarled at me, “No — you can’t go get your doctorate yet. I’m going to be the first one with a doctorate around here. You wait until I get mine.”
I made up my mind then and there that not only was I going to disregard his god-like oracle from on high, but also, I would begin applying to doctoral programs the very next day. Within two months, I had applied to one of the most selective, rigorous doctoral programs in the country and was only one of 15 applicants accepted out of hundreds who had applied. The day that I received my letter of acceptance from my school, I also wrote my letter of resignation to my HR director at the organization for which I was working. Limited people will limit you if you allow them to do so.
As a leader, you should wear it as a badge of honor when employees move on to higher heights. Unlike that boss of mine, you should celebrate the fact that you have trained, mentored, and equipped your employees to the point that they begin creating their own business or carving out their own niche. If you are developing the leaders around you, this “growing and going” will happen more often than not. If your only desire is for your employees to forever be loyal to you, then you are failing them and continuing to feed your raging ego. Nobody wins that game.
Employee Engagement is top of mind for most organizations. How do you define an engaged employee?
I like Gallup’s definition of employee engagement. Gallup defines it as “…the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in their work and workplace. Employee engagement helps you measure and manage employees’ perspectives on the crucial elements of your workplace culture.”
For me, an engaged employee is recognizable by the following four traits:
1. They show up for work. They are less likely to have high absenteeism when they are really engaged.
2. The quality of their work is exceptional. Not only are they in attendance, but their work product is stellar, based upon whatever criteria the organization has established.
3. They willingly go beyond the bare minimum. If an employee is really engaged and the bar of acceptable performance is set at a “7”, then the engaged employee strives to produce work at level “8” or above — never less.
4. Engaged employees will have a degree of longevity on the job, because they know that they are appreciated and celebrated — not simply tolerated. They stay with you until you tell they are strong enough to fly out of the nest on their own, or until they come to that realization for themselves.
Say more about your Employee Engagement portfolio. What’s working? What’s not working? And what are you piloting now to address the Quiet Committing trend?
Those four traits of engaged employees that I just mentioned all have one common denominator: trust. We cannot begin to talk about employee engagement if we do not first create an atmosphere of trust. If they do not trust us, they will never consistently show up, produce quality output, go beyond the bare minimum, or even want to stay with us. So, my organization focuses on creating that atmosphere within and helping our clients to create that same atmosphere on their home turf. That has worked well for us from day one, with little to no tweaking or revising having to be done.
The Derrick Noble Group uses the following Five-Part portfolio we both personally adhere to and teach our corporate clients. We were employing this long before quiet committing became a trend. This portfolio is a way of life for us.
1. Actively soliciting/willingly receiving feedback. I just recorded the first episode of my weekly radio broadcast where I was discussing this very idea of giving and receiving feedback. Constructive feedback must be supported by specific examples that will help the recipient improve their performance or their output in some way. It should also be offered in a helpful manner with good intentions.
There are at least three benefits of providing constructive feedback:
a) Improved performance. When done well, feedback will go towards improving the performance of the recipient.
b) Creating a culture in which feedback is not seen as negative. Most people shy away from giving or receiving feedback because it is often viewed as negative, personal, and meant as an attack against the recipient; and
c) Contrary to what we might think, people actually want feedback. Deep down inside, everybody wants to get better at what they do. Feedback is a tool that will help them do exactly that.
2. Equip them, and then trust them. This involves coaching rather than bossing. It is becoming widely known in the business world that being a coach to your employees produces better results than being a boss to your employees. A boss is someone who tells people what to do and watches them to make sure it gets done. A coach is someone who equips people with what they need in order to get the job done, and then gets out of their way to let them do it.
You can get out of their way and cease to micromanage them only when you know that you have thoroughly trained and equipped them for the task. If you are confident in your training ability, then there is no need to micromanage them. Coaching also frees you up to spend more of your time elsewhere where your hands-on participation may be desperately needed.
I hear you: “Dr. Noble, you don’t know my employees. I can’t really trust them to get the job done.” If you cannot trust your employees, then you have one of three problems, or a combination of all three:
a) An HR Problem. If you find that you cannot trust your employees, perhaps the problem is that your organization is hiring the wrong people with the wrong skillset and placing them in the wrong position. That’s an HR problem, since one of the primary functions of HR is to make sure we find and hire the right candidates for every position.
b) A Training Problem. Perhaps HR is in fact bringing us the right people with the right skills, but we then fail to provide those people with the necessary, relevant, dynamic, ongoing training that they need in order to become superstar employees. An organization without a commitment to training is an organization committed to failing.
c) An Ego Problem. I once had a CEO who wanted to hire me to provide leadership training for his organization say to me, “Dr. Noble, you are the first consultant I have ever brought in to conduct training for my people. I’ve been afraid that if I train them too well, they might leave me for greener pastures.” That is a textbook definition of ego. My response to him was posed as a question: “Would you rather train them and eventually have them leave you, or keep them untrained and have them stay with you?” Get the picture? You can’t be that egotistical and be an equipper of leaders at the same time.
3. Showing appreciation often. This might take the form of sending them occasional thank-you notes, praising them publicly, or giving them tangible rewards such as awards or monetary bonuses. Get to know your people and figure out the type of praise and appreciation that they would each prefer, and them give it to them — often!
4. Matching our words with our actions. I’m sure you’re familiar with the psychological phenomenon known as cognitive dissonance. It’s an internal conflict that occurs when one’s actions are inconsistent with one’s beliefs. Many organizations are living in a state of cognitive dissonance, and it’s killing the morale of their team. Employees know when what the organization claims it stands for is not really what that organization practices.
Since I’m from down South, I’ll say it in the way that is most familiar to me: practice what you preach. If you say you are an organization that considers itself to be a family, then support your employees when they desire to spend time with their own families. Matching our words to our actions is a surefire way to keep employees engaged.
5. Intentionally focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (aka DEI). Diversity is how we look, equity is how we treat one another, and inclusion is whose voices are heard and appreciated at the table.
Concerning diversity, we want to make sure our workforce looks like our community. Our community is not all one gender or one race or one ethnicity or one sexual orientation, so our workplace should not be monolithic either.
Concerning equity, we want to be sure everyone is being treated well. Do certain members of your staff get paid than other members of your staff for doing the same job? Everyone should be treated with the same degree of respect, admiration, and professionalism.
Concerning inclusion, we want to ask a key question: whose voices are heard and respected when it comes to decision-making?
It has been statistically proven that organizations that are deliberate concerning their DEI efforts experience greater profitably, greater resilience during turbulent times, and greater innovation in the marketplace.
As goes the leadership, so goes the team. How do you hold leaders accountable for their own level of engagement?
Accountability isn’t about blame or punishment. It’s about getting an account for what happens, good or bad, and then making purposeful decisions about what to do next. There are at least three ways in which I hold leaders accountable:
1. Setting clear expectations for them. This involves meeting with your leaders to discuss the tasks you have given them and documenting your expectations. By the way, it is best to do this live, not via email.
2. Support problem solving. In other words, I make it clear to my leaders that I believe in their problem solving abilities, and that I expect them to do so. If a leader always has to come to me in order to get a problem solved, that leader is obsolete. Communicating effectively with your leaders. I have discovered that people either rise or fall to your level of expectation of them. I love to say that my principle responsibility to my leaders is to place a crown above their heads and dare them to grow tall enough to wear it.
3. Provide useful, regular feedback. I have discussed this already in depth, so there’s no need to restate those principles here. I will simply refer you to my responses to the previous question about my employee engagement portfolio. Leaders will never grow without consistent, purposeful, specific feedback.
The first phase of the pandemic ushered in the phenomenon called The Great Resignation, where employees left organizations to pursue greater meaning and purpose. Then came The Great Reshuffle, where employees left organizations to pursue promotions, pay and perks. Now we’ve entered a third phase, Quiet Quitting, where employees are deeply disengaged. What do you believe to be the key drivers of Quiet Quitting?
Well, Gallup suggests the following:
“The drop in engagement began in the second half of 2021 and was concurrent with the rise in job resignations. Managers, among others, experienced the greatest drop. The overall decline was especially related to clarity of expectations, opportunities to learn and grow, feeling cared about, and a connection to the organization’s mission or purpose — signaling a growing disconnect between employees and their employers.”
However, I’m not so sure that “quiet quitting” is such a recent phenomenon. In actuality, I think quiet quitting has been with us for years. Industry experts and researchers simply attached a new name to it as a result of the pandemic and all of its effects.
Whether it is in fact a recent phenomenon or trend or not, I believe the key driver of quiet quitting has always been lack of employee engagement. The blame for that cannot be squarely placed at the feet of the workforce. I still believe that everything rises and falls with leadership. So, if employees are unengaged, I first take a good look at leadership. Creating an engaged workforce requires deliberate decisions and actions on the part of leadership, which I have discussed earlier.
What do you predict will be the next phase in the evolution of the employer / employee landscape?
I’ve actually never been good with predicting trends, so I won’t even attempt to do so. However, I did recently read a fascinating article by Theresa Agovino of the Society for Human Resource Management — SHRM — entitled “What Will the Workplace Look Like in 2025?” that I recommend to you.
Among other things, Agovino predicts that more and more workers will in fact work from home (although we are seeing some of the largest corporations in the US demanding that workers return to the physical office), and that employee strikes would increase as more and more employees are beginning to demand and expect better treatment for themselves and their communities. It’s a fascinating read.
What leadership behaviors need to evolve to improve employee engagement in a sustainable way?
If we are to keep employees perpetually engaged, I believe there are at least three things leaders must do consistently in order to make that happen:
1. Leadership must explain and demonstrate to employees why their work is important. Leaders must continually reconnect employees to the greater purpose of the work that they do. For example, if your receptionist believes their job is simply to answer the telephones and greet people as they walk through the door, that’s all you will get from that receptionist.
However, if that same receptionist would believe that their job is the be the very first face or voice that a customer or client encounters, and that their interaction with said client will significantly pave the way for a more pleasant experience, thus ensuring the clients happiness and ensuring that the client shares that positive encounter with other potential clients, thus greatly affecting the bottom line of the organization, then answering telephones and greeting people becomes much more important.
2. Leadership must commit or recommit to create a culture of learning where training opportunities abound and are welcomed. Ongoing training opportunities help organizations grow stronger, more unified teams. Investing in training your employees communicates to them that you want them to grow and become experts in their field. That type of confidence in your team can inspire higher retention rates, can help your organization attract higher quality applicants, can help employees learn new skills, and can even help your workforce become more aware of industry trends, thus ensuring that your organization stays on the cutting edge of your industry.
3. Leadership must be willing to advocate for their employees in significant ways. Advocacy is the idea that you know your people well enough to make sure they are represented accurately and fairly within the organization. Simple ways to advocate for your employees include:
A) Simply telling them that you are their advocate to the upper levels of the organization and proving that by your actions;
B) Praising them publicly, and especially to those in upper levels of the organization;
C) Actively creating an atmosphere of diversity, equity, and inclusion;
D) Actively creating an atmosphere in which feedback is given and received at all levels of the organization, and refusing to retaliate against them when they give you feedback you may not want to hear but need to hear.
Change requires commitment and happens one choice at a time. What are the top five commitments you make and keep to yourself daily that have a material impact on those you lead?
My top five commitments are all based upon intentional daily decisions I have made:
1. I must decide upon the direction and the destination of the organization and its employees.
As a leader, I want you to think of yourself as the pilot. If you do not have a clear idea of where you’re trying to take this organization, the people you lead are going to be confused and, most likely, they’re going to enter a state of panic.
It may not be fair, but it is true: when a team is underperforming, you look to the leader. What typically happens when a sports team has a string of losing seasons? The first move the front office usually makes is to fire the coach. Now that may not be fair in your estimation, but it is true that, chances are, there is something wrong with the team’s leadership.
There are three navigational questions you need to ask if you’re going to be an effective leader who takes the people you lead in the direction they should go. These are not questions you need to ask of your people; these are questions you need to ask of yourself, and they should be answered in order. The first question is:
A) What is my purpose as the leader? In other words, what do I do as leader? If you were talking to someone who knew absolutely nothing about your industry, role, or product or service, how would you describe what you do in one sentence? Folks, if you are the pilot and you do not know what you’re doing or where you’re going, your airplane is headed for major turbulence. If your leadership is fuzzy, the people who are following you, who are looking to you for guidance and direction, will feel even more lost in the fog than you do.
B) What is the purpose of this department/team/group that I’m leading? Let’s say, for example, you are the director of human resources. Your next question is, what does the human resources department do? Now, you can tie the first two questions together: “What do I do as director that helps human resources do what it does?” By doing this, you’ll begin to form a clearer picture of your purpose within the company.
Of course, if your position is the president or CEO, you may not have an individual department or group that you lead, so you may skip this second question and move on to the third question.
C) What is the purpose of this organization as a whole? As a leader, you’ve got to be crystal clear. Do not use code words. Do not use jargon. Explain your company to somebody who knows absolutely nothing about it. Again, use one sentence:
The purpose of the XYZ Organization is to__________________.
Let’s say you work for XYZ company; and within XYZ company, you are the director of human resources. You now have three levels of questions you need to ask and answer: “What do I do as human resources director that helps the human resources department do what it does? How does that help XYZ company do what it does?”
As the leader, you need to be able to clearly articulate what you do that helps your department do what the organization is supposed to do. After you answer these three questions for yourself, it becomes your responsibility to make sure each one of your employees has an answer to the same questions for themselves: “What do I as (job title) that helps (department name) do what (XYZ Organization) does?”
2. I must decide to be the chief motivator of my team.
You may find yourself leading a team of people who are only here to collect a paycheck — just phoning it in. How do you get these people motivated and excited about their work? Here is the answer: you must connect them to the higher purpose of their job. In other words, you must help them to understand the “why” behind what they do. If they don’t have a good, strong reason why they do what they do, if they don’t have a compelling answer as to why their job is important, they’re probably not going to do their job with much enthusiasm or energy.
Nothing motivates more than understanding the true purpose of a job. Plus, nothing will make your team as a whole gel together more quickly than understanding their collective purpose as a team. As the leader, you must decide to be the chief motivator of your team, and the best way to provide that motivation is to help your team unlock self-motivation by clarifying the greater purpose behind their job.
Having a greater sense of purpose creates more lasting motivation than money ever will — though your employees do deserve to be well paid for their expertise. Some leaders and organizations erroneously think that simply throwing money at their workers will help motivate them to work harder, but nothing could be further from the truth. If you want a team that motivates themselves and decides within themselves to work harder and always give their best, you as their leader must help them discover their greater purpose.
3. I must decide what each team member needs most from me.
Not every person you lead will need the same type of attention from you, and there is no single approach to leadership that can be applied across the board to every person.
People are different. They have different backgrounds, different personalities, different ideas of right and wrong, and different work ethics. Therefore, it is incumbent upon you as the leader to skillfully determine who needs what, when they need it, and why. As I often say, you cannot lead them if you do not know them.
When it comes to leadership, one size does not fit all. As the leader, as the coach, as the chief motivator, it is your responsibility to know each one of your players well. What is the best way to speak to them? What should you never say to them? What are their biggest fears or insecurities? How do they wish to be rewarded for a job well done? You cannot learn about the people you lead by sitting in your office all day every day, waiting to be needed.
If you cannot answer those basic questions about each one of the people you lead, get out of your office and get to know your people. This may mean taking each one of them out to lunch; it may mean having a one-on-one with each of them and directly asking them those questions; it may mean intensely observing them as they do their job and quietly making notes for yourself. Whatever you do, get to know them so you can effectively lead them.
4. I must decide how to prioritize your daily schedule in order to maximize effectiveness.
In my individual coaching sessions with leaders — as well as in my group coaching and consulting sessions — I often hear this profound sense of overwhelm. There is so much to do, and leaders often do not know where to start. There is always a mountain of paperwork and a never-ending to-do list, and a sense of dread often comes over you.
Great leaders must decide to prioritize their day to yield maximum effectiveness and minimal anxiety. I have two bits of advice for you regarding this need for prioritization. The first is this: make sure your priorities align with your supervisor’s priorities for you. My second piece of advice comes from former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower. This advice has become very popular over the years within the business world thanks to Stephen Covey discussing it in his classic work, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
It is important to distinguish between urgent and important tasks. An urgent task is one that requires your immediate attention. It is something that must be done now, and it is something for which there will be serious negative consequences and repercussions if it is not done immediately. An important task is one that does not require immediate attention but is one that helps you to achieve your long-term goals. It does not have to be done right this second, and maybe not even today or this week, but they are still very important.
The bottom line is this: if I fail to prioritize my day, then someone else will gladly do it for me…often to my own detriment!
5. I must decide to be the type of leader others want to follow.
I suggest that there are four qualities that you must decide upon fostering in order to be the type of leader others want to follow. Remember, you want to be seen as the “go-to person” within your organization — perhaps, even, within your industry. You want to be the leader to whom other leaders come for advice and mentoring. You want to position yourself to be head-and-shoulders above other leaders in similar situations.
There are four essential qualities, in no particular order, of followable leaders. They are:
A. Proficiency. Simply put, proficiency speaks to how competent you are. In fact, the real question is are you not simply good but great at what you do? If not, are you willing to learn and grow? Do you want the spotlight to shine only on you, or are you one who gets joy from seeing your entire team rise to superstar status?
You see, the best leaders are not only those who are good as individual performers; the best leaders make everyone around them better as well. The best leaders do not simply develop themselves; they develop those around them. If your employees are not better performers and better human beings by having been exposed to you, you are failing them and you are failing yourself.
B. Integrity. My own definition of integrity is a strict adherence to one’s own code of conduct or values. In other words, to be a person of integrity means to know what one’s own values are and to refuse to violate them. An ancient philosopher even defined integrity as who you are when nobody is watching you.
Are you honest in your words and in your dealings with others? When your employees hear you make a promise, can they count on you to fulfill it? Do you treat everyone with the same degree of respect and professionalism, or does someone have to believe like you, look like you, live where you live, vote how you vote, worship how you worship (if they even worship at all), etc., for you to treat them well?
C. Benevolence. Are you the type of leader who genuinely cares about the people you lead? Do you view them as partners, or do you view them as objects whose sole purpose is to help you achieve your personal career goals? How kind are you? How friendly are you? Do you know their names? Do you know anything about their families? While we cannot be expected to treat them as if we are the psychologists and they are our patients, are we at least concerned about what may be troubling them beyond the walls of the office? As the age-old adage goes, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
D. Humility. I have seen far too many leaders who honestly believe that their employees should be filled with awe and wonder at the prospect of working under such an amazing specimen of leadership. I like to look at it the other way around: as a leader, I am the one who is privileged to come beside you and help lift you to a place of excellence.
Unfortunately, we live in a world that often equates humility with weakness, so it takes a lot of fortitude to set one’s ego aside and propel a team to higher heights. It is worth doing, however, as humble leaders are considered more approachable, more forgiving of mistakes, and more willing to acknowledge others for jobs well done.
What’s the most effective strategy you’ve discovered to get back on track when you break a commitment you’ve made?
While a hallmark of being a strong leader is in making wise decisions, there will be times when — no matter how careful you are — you will foul up, fall flat on your face, let yourself down, let your team down, or even let your whole organization down. Mistakes are inevitable.
May I share a secret with you? People will be a whole lot more forgiving of you when you do mess up if you handle it correctly.
So, how should we handle our mistakes in leadership? Here are my suggestions:
1. Apologize without making excuses or using the word “but.” Mistakes are not what bother people. What bothers people is when you make a mistake and either refuse to admit it, or you admit it but make excuses about it.
2. Re-evaluate your leadership style. A mistake is an opportunity for you to do some self-reflection — ask yourself, “Is my approach to leadership what is causing me to make these mistakes? Are my mistakes the result of my making decisions too quickly without careful analysis first? Are my mistakes the result of an over-inflated ego?”
3. Once you have re-evaluated your leadership style, make the necessary adjustments, apologize to those who have been affected, and refuse to beat yourself up about it. The best apology is changed behavior. Once you have answered the tough questions, make the necessary corrections. If you’re not sure how to change, speak with a mentor whose opinion you respect or speak with those whom you lead and ask them, “How can I be a better leader for you?”
Thank you for sharing these important insights. How can our readers further follow your work?
I just released my new book, entitled Leadership Launch: Essential Skills For New Leaders. It quickly became the #1 best selling new business book in the nation. It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble, on my website, and in bookstores around the world, in both paperback and eBook formats, with an audiobook version set to be released within the next few months. And, if you happen to go to a bookstore and it’s sold out, they can order it for you.
Please connect with me via social media as well. Look for Dr. Derrick Noble on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube. On TikTok, I’m DrNobleSpeaks. Please follow my work, watch my leadership videos, and obtain your copy of the book by following any of these links:
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to experience a leadership master at work. We wish you continued success and good health!