In this episode of HotTalkWithBlecyn which held on July 20th, I was opportune to have Amama Benn Benedict who brilliantly treated our topic ‘How The Power Of Interest Drives Learning and Betters You’. This beautiful topic was suggested by him. Continue below to read up my conversation with him…
Blecyn George Monsi (Welcoming the audience on twitter): Hello team,welcome to another episode of #HotTalkWithBlecyn this great Thursday night. As always, we are back with another incredible topic and guest.
“For us to better discuss our topic for this week, our guest Amama Benn Benedict will be answering question from everyone”
“We are pleased to have you on #HotTalkWithBlecyn @BennyCapricorn in your field as a researcher, what has been your most fascinating discovery?”
Amama Benn Benedict: Thank you very much Blessing for having me. My most fascinating discovery is the power of Self. The things i can do. As my Bio rightly says, i am a researcher and discoverer. I am always open to learn and it helps makes me better
Blecyn George Monsi: In a very simple yet well explained term, what would you say is “interest” and what can interest do for us?
Amama Benn Benedict: Interest is a feeling of wanting to learn more about something or to be involved in something (a state of curiosity). Interest drives us to learn more and this brings about knowledge and discovery, thereby broadening our horizon.
BGM: For the purpose of specification, what demography is this topic deeply concerned about?
ABB: It focuses on the need for people to channel their inner energy towards that which captivates them. This brings about mastery, i.e when that which draws the interest of the learner has been learnt and understood.
BGM: Do we have a category of interest known as negative interest? If yes, could you itemize them?
ABB: Negative Interest is personality based. It involves the experience of negative emotions & poor self-concept. It is a variety of negative emotions, including, anger, contempt, disgust, guilt, fear & nervousness. Individuals exhibit higher levels of distress, anxiety &dissatisfaction. The focus on d unpleasant aspects of themselves.
BGM: Why did you choose this particular topic? Why do you want the audience to hold this discussion dear?
ABB: Chose this topic to remind people that, Interest has the power to transform struggling performers & lift high achievers.
BGM: A lot of youth are more interested in fun than in learning, how can we promote +ive interest @BennyCapricorn using #HotTalkWithBlecyn as case study…
ABB: You are right, but do you know that we can make learning fun? That is where methodology comes in. #HotTalkWithBlecyn can touch on a variety of problematic areas with the simplest and clearest of discuss so learning is gained.
BGM: What are these methodology. Especially in this day and age of digital space?
ABB: Adequate use of instructional materials & case studies. Audio/Visuals. Learning is faster with vidoes/sounds & pictures. The methodology is very important. Understand who you are tutoring. Mold their areas of interest to your advantage.
BGM: People lose interest especially in some learning process. How does an individual keep his/her interest alive?
ABB: Interest effectively turbo charges our thinking. When we’re interested in what we’re learning, we pay closer attention.
BGM: In Nigeria today, what would you say are the opposition towards youth’s gainful interest?
ABB: Little or no Attention given to the areas of interest of Nigerian Youths. Most people simply work for the money. If the government focuses on leveraging on the areas of interest of the Nigerian Youth, Talents would be Born.
BGM: How exactly does the power of interest drive learning for an average Nigerian youth?
ABB: Using more effective learning strategies, such as engaging in critical thinking, making connections between old&new knowledge. Attending to deep structure instead of surface features. Working harder and persisting longer.
BGM: If people are allowed to create their own learning environment, do you think their interest will increase?
ABB: It definitely will. In the white man’s world, people are admitted into schools because of their skill or knowledge. These Individuals or Youths eventually become stars in their interest areas. They learnt with a “passion” & became Pros.
BGM: In your own opinion, how can an individual cultivate interest in both him/herself & others
ABB: Create a sense of belonging, build relationships, set clear expectations and stay relevant( eyes on the prize)
BGM: Could you share with us what you’d call your biggest mistake?
ABB: Believing i could never break out of the Box. Looking down on myself. My Complex. Inferiority. I always stayed there. When i saw it was killing me, I broke beyond.
I became the opposite. Superior to my complex. Proactive. I stayed there. Always Believe in yourselves. Impossible is just a word. I was there and i conquered it. Find your area of interest.
BGM: Any last words you’d love to share with the audience before we end this episode tonight?
ABB: Strive to become a pro in this area you are passionate about and establish a good rapport with People. You learn Faster.
BGM: Thanks for taking time off your busy schedule to be our guest on #HotTalkWithBlecyn @Bennycapricorn we appreciate your coming
ABB: Pleasure is all Mine. It was a Beautiful time out on this Educative Platform. Guys always sync with #HotTalkWithBlecyn every Thursday @ 8pm
BGM: “Thanks to everyone who participated in today’s episode of #HotTalkWithBlecyn, I appreciate you deeply. DO have a blessed night.”