The incidents of the Little Dramas in life are merely flashcards for the greater truths of the BIG PICTURE of our fullest life expression.

As we dash or meander along the road from the alpha to omega of our life, we can confuse the road with a life. Life can be boring except for the dramas. But the dramas mean something other than what you might think. Trouble is we, too often, identify with the persona or external self, while the essential Self lies neglected and longing for expression. This is the source of the dramas, the illness, the betrayal, the argument. The big ‘S’ Self wants out and it will kick up a fuss to get your attention.

You may think Life’s a series of intermittent sunny days and the inevitable storms between; the jagged peaks and valleys of win and lose, happy and sad, but it’s not. Life is all these plus the in-betweens. The little dramas are the flashcards. They flash “Alert! Something to learn!” “Something to know!” “Something to hold onto!” “Something to let go!”

The Big Picture is a grand scheme of your life as it weaves in with the whole of creation and evolution. It’s where sustaining joy and greatest potential are expressed. It demands authenticity.

If you’re getting stuck in the dramas and allow them to define your life you are only ever colouring with the primary colours when you could spill out the whole colour spectrum of crayons and have at a brilliant kaleidoscope of potential and nuance. The little dramas are the wake-up calls that you’re not living your full potential, or bringing the full range of feelings and intuition to the highs and the lows of life in its rewards and challenges.

Living in the context of the Big Picture is not a free pass from dramas, it just presents a different perspective of those incidents and uses them as something else. Living in the Big Picture opens you up to dispatching people and circumstance that don’t belong in your life with greater ease and less resistance and no guilt. Think of it. In your Big Picture you rule. And your daily job is to be all that you can be.

To the YOU you are meant to be!

❤ mh

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Exhilarated Life: Discovering Inner Happiness by Marilyn Harding on Kindle

Originally published at


  • Marilyn Harding

    Writer and Entrepreneur, Passionate about Vibrant Health and Well-Being, Author of “Exhilarated Life”,

    Artemis Alliance Inc.

    Passionately committed to every person's birthright and personal responsibility of vibrant health and well-being - body, mind and spirit, Marilyn Harding applies her unique style and experience as a marketing executive and entrepreneur to write in the fields of art and holistic lifestyle. A particular focus is the researched benefits of high phenolic olive oil for long life and vibrant health, which she publishes on the Medium Ezine, Beyond Organic, Beyond Extra Virgin. Marilyn is author of Exhilarated Life: Discovering Inner Happiness  Unpacking ancient and modern wisdom and applying it to today's challenges. Yesterday at Justin's, A parent/child guide to sensitively discuss divorce. NOTE: If you have something you'd like to say and are not sure how to say it - and you like my writing style - I can help. Email me for a quote at [email protected] and put "Writer" in the subject line. :)