Staying connected during times of social upheaval.
“Every once in a while, a salesman will enter your midst who knows how to influence you towards something that is important to him and inspire you to see him as the solution. It makes no difference who thinks they are in control of you, they aren’t. Tap into the leverage of being connected to your own power.”- Ester Hicks
Listening to a recent talk by author Ester Hicks, a pioneer of spiritual thought, I was reminded how marvelous our internal resources are. The stream that flows through us constantly offers us solutions to the problems that crop up in our midst. My wife, Julia, often reminds me not to take on the energy of injustice but to use my love to bring about the results I desire .
“When you connect to your own power you cannot feel fear at the same time. The only bad thing that can happen to you is that you temporarily use some bogus thing as your reason for not knowing your power. When you don’t know your power than you give it to someone else. There are plenty of others that will say, “I will take your power from you. I will let you believe that I am the most important thing in the world to you.” It doesn’t matter which group is in power, they are not ever the vortex through which your good comes but they are often the subject by which you deny your own vortex. You have a vibrational cache that you have access to at all times. The only disempowerment that can come to you is to use anything as an excuse not to tap into that.”- Ester Hicks
In the midst of social upheaval, there are always examples of those who are tapping into their stream, their ‘vortex’, or the energy that observes and is us.
Max Loughan, at thirteen, created a generator that pulls and converts electricity from the air for less than fifteen dollars.
When interviewed, he said:
“I just want to invent a better future, I don’t care if I get money or credit, all I’m looking at is to make the world a better place, to advance it.”
This is a boy who knows that energy is not confined to his ego.
Connecting to what is ours to claim may seem selfish to some but our true power takes us beyond the tyranny of our ego’s need for validation and into a poetic state where…
“Everything that was broken has
Forgotten its brokenness…How can this be, but
it is. Every day has something in
it whose name is Forever.”
-Mary Oliver/ Everything that was broken
Going beyond the need for names to define our connection to what connects us, may your alignment give rise to the actions that bestow freedom.
Originally published at on January 31, 2017.
Originally published at