The past few months the hottest topic is Purpose.

What is our Purpose in life?

Why should there be a purpose in life?

How to exercise purpose?

The definition of purpose according to Wikipedia.
As a noun – The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. A person’s sense of resolve or determination.
As a verb –  Have as one’s intention or objective. It goes on to say why you do something or why something exists. Why does one exist?

The Grand Ambassador to beBee Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador published a triad of buzzes centering purpose. The article “Following simple Rules of life had intriguing comments which are a witness to each one’s own understanding of purpose.

In an article called, Is It Better to Have More Choices? Harvey Lloyd said, “My values drive my success as I bring value to others”. These words by Harvey are indeed golden.

I see value as the base foundation for purpose, the value that we bring exercises our purpose.

For our values help us grow, learn and achieve success. When it is purpose driven, we add value to those we meet who are part of the journey we are on. “For we do not grow alone we use the immediate surrounding and the people around us to grow and shine. And when we shine we shed light enabling others to see a well-defined path.”- Fatima Williams

In one of my comments to Dr. Anani’s article, I quoted “Nietzsche: “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how“. I can see in these words a motto which holds true for any thing in life.

A two-year study by the National Institute of mental health asked 7948 students what they considered very important to them. 16% said making money and 78% said their first goal was finding meaning and purpose in life.

Victor Frankl says man is able to live and die for the sake of his ideals and values. We all need something to live and with purpose induced growth in the centre, we can achieve the satisfaction we desire.

An active life serves the purpose of giving man the opportunity to realize values in creative work.

While a passive life of enjoyment affords him the opportunity to obtain fulfillment in experiencing beauty, art, or nature. 

Most people live a passive life does that mean an active life is not good. I’m left pondering on the above statement by Victor and these had let me dig deep down to understand Purpose. Our attitude to our existence in the world we live in is an existence restricted by external forces!

Sara Jacobovici inspired me to reply to one of her comments, resulting in this article coming together. 

She asks “My only question would be, how do you define passive? For me, what ever we do is an active process; active is an external process, while passive is an internal process. We still engage actively in both.”

It’s taken me alot of thinking, understanding, and reasoning to answer this important question.

The internal process is value-driven purpose. This would emerge from within if we engage in

“Pure Understanding, Realizing one’s Potential, being Omnipresent and Serving the people around us Empirically” – Fatima Williams

While I am still on the journey of allowing purpose find me, I cannot but deny that man does not live by bread alone. Not just by achieving materialistic things but by absorbing the experiences, he encounters everyday.

Empirically tested purpose stands the test of time!

Rather than asking myself what is my Purpose in life. I always ask the question what is my purpose at any given moment.

Ian Weinberg says “Purpose without the courage to engage risks the development of purposelessness.”

Purpose differs from man to man and time to time and the situation he is in. What matters is how well we are able to utilize our existence at any given moment in life. That defines our Purpose.

Everyone’s purpose is as unique as is his specific responsibility to achieve it. We need logospurpose.(Victor Frankl). We must have the courage that our hopelessness does not detract us from our dignity and meaningful purpose in life.

Sara Jacobovici says “Our beliefs and values give reason and intention to purpose. We can have purpose, but only through choice do we activate purpose”

We must have the courage to make the right choices to activate our value driven purpose.

Do what you are passionate about and look how to make it useful for the world all within respect for others and treating them the way you like to be treated. My purpose in life shall then find me. – Dr. Ali Anani

Ali Anani, Brand Ambassador Sara JacoboviciCityVP Manjit.& Harvey Lloyd inspired me to write this article and I dedicate this to the members of the WPD family.

About me

I am a brand ambassador, an ardent reader, a purpose-driven career and L&D strategist and an HR Consultant during my working hours providing HR & Recruitment services to many organizations in the GCC. I love life and live to enjoy every single minute given to me. I love to write and do so rarely.

Thank you for reading this article. I welcome your comments. I follow some amazing people from who I draw my inspiration to write. If you find this article very useful or interesting, please share it with other members of your social network.

To share to learn” Stay awesome always !

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