Research shows that the brain works best for 52 minutes and then “takes a break” for 17 minutes. According to experts, a regular break from work during the day will only improve performance. So the next time you will be distracted, don’t criticize yourself for procrastination and don’t hurry to get back to work.
The brain, like every other part of our body, can get tired. Concentrating for eight hours is not realistic or healthy. The more you push yourself, the more cortisol (which harms your immune system) is released. Here are more scientific evidence that you need to break away from the computer:
1. Breaks Make Decision Making Easier
If you have to make a bunch of non-stop decisions all day, you start to suffer from a state which psychologists call “decision fatigue”. It’s scientifically proven that judges are more likely to grant prisoners parole after a break. To refuse is always the simplest way, which is chosen with a “decision fatigue” syndrome.
Your brain continues to look for a solution to the problem while resting. When you let your mind wander you are much closer to solving the problem than it seems. The default mode in which the brain is during rest is important for active psychosocial processing. For example, for the activation of personal memories, the relationship, social emotions, and morality.
2. Breaks Help to Focus Better in the Long Run
It seems that when you work less time, it reduces the number of completed tasks. But after a break, you will act faster and more efficiently which means you will have more time. One study showed that people coped better with tasks that require long-term concentration if they periodically switched to other things.
Constant stimulation is perceived by our brain as unimportant and the brain stops responding to it. Research shows that when you are faced with lengthy tasks (training before the final exam) it is better to allow yourself short breaks.
3. Your Body Must Move
If you spend the whole day at the computer, your body starts craving movement. Even a small regular activity will relieve back pain and other health problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle. A walk of just five minutes per hour improves a person’s mood and adds energy. This fact has been confirmed many times by scientists.
A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that the cells of people who spend most of their time sitting, age more quickly. Get up for a short break every 20-30 minutes and your body will be grateful to you.
4. Breaks Improve Creativity
Rest activates your creative forces and helps to think outside the box. A study published in the Creativity Research Journal states that people came up with more ideas in a brainstorming exercise when they took a break and did things that are not related to the main task.
Scientists believe that if a person works on the same problem for too long, he comes too close to it and not able to see new solutions. Taking some time to focus on something else will give you a fresh look when you return to the original task.
Do not feel guilty if you leave the workplace during the day. It’s a way to improve your efficiency and help the body be healthier. The main thing is to be able to quickly concentrate on work after a short rest.