Even if you believe that losing some teeth is inevitable with age, it is really possible to keep them all throughout your life. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to avoid periodontal disease (“peri”: around “odontal”: teeth), caused by bacteria that attack the tissues around the teeth. Unfortunately, you may not realize that you have periodontal disease since the signs and symptoms are not always as obvious to you but they are to the dentist.

Most people who do not have good daily oral hygiene will have gingivitis. If left untreated, this bacterial infection of the gums can evolve from gingivitis (“gingival”: from the gums; “it is”: inflammation) to periodontitis, which causes bone loss around your teeth. As the bone tissue is lost, the tissues of the gum are released from the teeth and form small sacs that offer a better place for the bacteria to live, and to which the brush and floss cannot reach. When the periodontal disease progresses, a greater bone loss occurs, and teeth can be lost. In part, this is due to genetic issues, since periodontal disease can be hereditary. The good news is that this disease can be controlled, even in the most advanced stages. Loop Perio can give us detail information about  the periodontal disease, its symptoms and its prevention strategies.

Signs and Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

It is important to understand that you may have periodontal disease without obvious symptoms, especially if you are a smoker (nicotine reduces blood flow and prevents bleeding and swelling of gum tissues). Even so, there are important things you can observe:

Gums that bleed:

 Some people believe that when their gums bleed it only means that they brushed them too hard. While brushing too hard is bad, it should not cause bleeding. Bleeding from the gums is considered a warning sign of periodontal disease.

Bad breath:

It is very easy for the plaque to build up in the spaces between the teeth, which create the perfect conditions for the bacteria that produce odor-containing compounds that contain sulfur to live and cause bad breath.

Redness or swelling of the gums:

Inflammation of the gums that is usually the first visible sign of periodontal disease.

Recession of the gums:

If you notice that your teeth are longer, it may be because the tissue of the gum has retracted (moves away from the enamel) and exposes part of the roots of the tooth.


If the gums recession, the exposed roots may be more sensitive to heat and cold.

Periodontal abscess:

The bacteria are enclosed in a periodontal sac and the area fills with pus, becomes inflamed and produces pain.

Loose teeth:

 When periodontal disease causes bone loss, the teeth may become loose or move. The tooth can be lost, and this can be accelerated if it bites too hard due to the habit of grinding or clenching the teeth.

Preventive Strategies

The best way to avoid periodontal disease is to use the toothbrush and floss every day. Professional controls and cleanings every 3, 4 or 6 months (depending on what your dentist recommends) are an important part of maintaining your periodontal health. The instruments and techniques used in these cleanings can reach areas that your toothbrush and floss cannot reach.

It is also possible to detect early forms of periodontal disease by visual evaluation of the gingival tissues (of the gum) and by examining the level of insertion of the teeth.

You can take other measures: take a good diet, reduce the stress of your life, and abandon unhealthy habits such as smoking so you can keep your teeth for a lifetime.

For Further Information about Periodontal disease and its prevention strategies in Chicago you can visit Loop Perio.