A law that came into force in October 2019 and that will focus on improving working conditions. Stress is “silent” but the consequences at the business and individual level are stronger than you think.
Effects of work stress on workers
The World Health Organization ensures that the main factors causing work stress during the job of oven repair in companies and their workers are the strenuous working hours, the pace of work, the characteristics of the position (boring tasks or monotonous activities, among others), the participation of the employee in decision making and management of control or authority.
This organization also ensures that “when the individual is under stress it is difficult for them to maintain a healthy balance between work and professional life”, which can lead to certain unhealthy habits or actions such as alcoholism, smoking or excess food.
Among the effects of work stress on workers are:
- Anguish and irritability
- Inability to concentrate.
- Difficult to focus.
- A complication to make decisions.
- Under logical reasoning.
- Constant tiredness, depression, and restlessness.
- Heart disease.
- Digestive disorders.
- Increased blood pressure.
- Headaches.
- Lumbago.
Of course, an individual with work stress who presents one or more of the symptoms will have a negative impact on the rest of the work team. According to the WHO, “if work stress affects a large number of workers, the operation and results of the company are threatened”.
Of course, the type of company, many times, determines the type of consequences of work stress, however, the areas affected with greater force and frequency are:
- High labor turnover
- Less dedication to employment
- Increase in complaints from both employees and users or customers if they have them.
- Legal issues
- Deterioration of institutional image (remember that your employees are the face of your business)
- Low performance and productivity
Work-related stress is an evil that grows gradually in companies and puts their growth at risk. Therefore, prevention is so important. Some basic tips are:
- Define properly the positions and responsibilities.
- Provide comfort to perform tasks.
- Have a good organization.
- Constant training
- Support your employees in personal problems.
- Flexibility
We live in the midst of emotional illiteracy, we do not know how to identify the emotions that affect us, much less what are the alternatives to face and manage them, so we can turn this moment into an opportunity to create employee support programs that include wellness routes with actions that strengthen the psychological capital of companies and help people to have a better balance in the different areas of their lives.
The starting point is the regulation of stress, this can be the trigger for all other physical and mental disorders. If employees are trained in coping strategies for stress, they will be much better prepared to face adversity without falling into exhaustion and hopelessness. To achieve this, each time science shows us new evidence of interventions that can be carried out in companies both in-person and online and that have sustainable results over time, some of them based on mindfulness, cognitive therapy, and neuroscience, among others.