Doing Business divides the process of building a warehouse into different procedures within the questionnaire and requests information on the time and costs to complete each of them. These procedures include, but are not limited to:
- Obtaining the plans and forms requested by architects and engineers to start the design of construction plans (for example, typographic analysis, maps, soil tests),
- Obtaining and presenting to the authorities all the specific documents of the work project (for example, building plans, lot maps and urban certificates).
- Hiring external supervisors, engineers or inspectors (if necessary).
- Obtaining all authorizations, licenses, permits and certificates.
- Presentation of all the necessary notifications to start and conclude the construction.
- Request and receive all required inspection visits (except if completed by a private external inspector).
Doing Business also records procedures for obtaining installation of water and sewer services. The procedures necessary to register the property are also taken into account, so that it can be used as collateral or transfer of ownership.
In order to be able to compare the data between the different economies, certain aspects of the company, the warehouse work project and the installation of basic services are assumed.
Assumptions about the construction company
The construction company
- It is a limited liability company (or its legal equivalent).
- It operates in the most important city for doing business in the economy in question. There are 11 economies for which information regarding the second largest city to do business is also included.
- It is 100% privately owned and its owners are local businessmen.
- It has five owners, none of whom is a legal person.
- It has all the licenses and insurance to carry out construction projects, such as the construction of a warehouse.
- It has 60 builders and other employees, all of whom are nationals of the economy in question and have the technical expertise and professional experience necessary to obtain building permit Mississauga’s and licenses.
- It has an architect and an engineer, both licensed and registered with the local college or association of architects or engineers, if required. Build Co is not assumed to have other employees with technical knowledge or licenses such as geological or topographical experts.
- You have paid all taxes and taken out all the insurance that is necessary for the general activity of your business (for example, accident insurance for construction workers and third party liability insurance).
- It owns the land on which it is going to be built, and will sell the warehouse once it is finished.
Assumptions about the warehouse
The store:
- It will be dedicated to general storage activities, for example, storage of books or office supplies. The warehouse will not be used to collect merchandise that requires special conditions, such as food, chemicals or pharmaceuticals.
- It will be two stories high, both above ground, with a built area of approximately 1,300.6 square meters (14,000 square feet). Each floor will be 3 meters (9 feet 10 inches) high.
- It will have access by road and will be located in the urban periphery of the city that is most relevant to the business of the economy (that is, it is on the outskirts of the city, but within the official limits). In the case of the 11 economies, information is also included regarding the second largest city to do business.
- It will not be located in a special economic or special industrial zone.
- It will be located on land that has an area of 929 square meters (10,000 square feet) and is 100% owned. Duly registered in the cadaster and in the real estate registry, with full title. However, when the land is owned by the government and leased by us is presumed. Register the property in the cadaster or real estate registry or both upon completion of construction.
- It is valued at 50 times the per capita income of the economy.
- It will be a new work on land (where there have been no previous constructions), where there are no trees, natural sources of water, nature reserves or historical monuments of any kind.