We all have unwanted days and situations that we prefer to forget, and we also have favorable situations that we easily lose sight of. The key is to learn to better manage the former and, above all, to give much more emphasis to the latter to promote our happiness and well-being.
The above implies a very personal decision, tailored to each person, to modify or develop certain habits, behaviors, and approaches, because from thehappinesscoach.com we can learn to be happier and increase our well-being. In this way we can not only face unwanted situations such as a grumpy boss, a low balance in the bank account, a chant, a wake-up call, a failed goal, and even a significant material or personal loss but also take better advantage of situations favorable of which we are not aware such as being healthy, being able to eat, being able to share with friends and family, having the freedom and the possibility of deciding, having the ability to face challenges, among others.
1. Happiness has its day.
And it is not that only one day has the right to be happy, but that being happy should be considered as the main point on the agenda of governments. The happiness coach points out that it is not possible to sit and wait for happiness, you have to put a grain of sand. “The presence of a reinforcing stimulus, such as a positive emotion, such as the happiness that endorphins generate in the brain when a pleasant behavior is emitted, increases the possibility of repeating said behavior. Nothing else will be equal in intensity of the stimulus. Because everything is and exists by itself. Things will have different vibrations and, at best, synchronicity. So it encourages diversity and creative confrontation.
2. Happiness can be learned:
The happiness coach points out that happiness should be practiced “just like a sport. Given that nearly 50% of the factors that affect people’s happiness levels are centered on their habits and beliefs, and these are susceptible to being modified, happiness can be learned through their improvement.
3. Happiness is overcoming irrational fears:
Fears without apparent cause, which generate anxiety, are perhaps the main enemy of happiness. It is good to consciously list our fears and identify which of them have a real foundation and which in turn are under our control. Why worry about what we can’t control? We are simply on watchful waiting in case it appears and we act now against what we can do or prevent.
4. Happiness is not just enjoying the present moment:
The happiness coach explains that freeing yourself from responsibilities does not bring happiness and that the phrase that “living in the moment” is not what brings true happiness. “While it is true that it is desirable and appropriate to seek pleasure in the present moment, which is the only one we really have, this should not go against the pursuit of a healthy future.
5. How we talk to each other is important to achieve happiness: “We talk about 14 hours a day with ourselves generating opinions and self-evaluations. Depending on how we do them, we will or will not be happy. There is no opinion more important than the one we forget about ourselves. And in truth, if we treat each other badly, there will be no peace or joy in anything we do, everything will be an internal scolding.
6. Balance:
Does a car ride well with only one or two tires inflated and the others flat? Obviously not. Each person is an integral being with many facets. The imbalance in the attention and development of each one of them threatens happiness. And that balance not only has to do with balancing all areas of life, also in the way we see our emotions and those of others, as well as our ability to react.
7. Having good relationships with oneself and with others:
Our relationships allow us to communicate about painful emotions, causing them to lose their intensity and thus alleviate an emotional burden that is had at a given moment. If you live in chaos with everyone you meet, even your pet, then that imbalance will prevent you from feeling happy.
8. Learn to use money:
Money can influence levels of happiness, although in a very insignificant way compared to other aspects. It is advisable to use it to generate more frequent moments/experiences, even if they are very simple, that gives us satisfaction. It’s not that you never buy anything for yourself or that you end up with items from the entire store. What really matters is that after so much work, you have time and money to have coffee with the person you love.