If you’ve ever had an identity crisis where you felt as if you are not who you were destined to be, or if you’ve been suffering from a lack of motivation and purpose, then you too should embark on a soul searching journey. Find your way back to yourself.

Soul searching could mean various things to different people. However, it is generally considered as an examination of one’s conscience with regard to motives, values and self. Simply put, it is a desire to feel that you are in sync with the world, so that you could become the best version of yourself; the version of you that you are at peace with. Soul searchers usually partake in this activity when they realise that the biggest goal in life is to do what is best for them, and put their health and happiness first.

soul searching

These are some tips on how to start on your soul searching journey, if you too want to change your perception on self, life and world.

Start with Yourself

To soul search, you need to have a deep understanding of who you are, and what you’re lacking within yourself, that’s keeping you from being your true self. If you feel uncomfortable, anxious, or restless when you spend time by yourself, it is because you haven’t discovered your strengths and weaknesses. Soul searching isn’t about becoming a better person. It is merely about being happy through self-awareness.

Reflect on Work Life

Most people feel the need to soul search, only when they experience burnout, and dawn upon the realization that what they’ve been doing all their career life, isn’t their true call. If you don’t have a passion for your work, or aren’t inspired by it, then you should reflect on your career and make a decision for your betterment. If you sacrifice your happiness, time, and health to earn, then your career isn’t worth it. Take some time off work, and explore new options. It’ll be worth it.

Think about the People You Surround Yourself with

People tend to look to their loved ones for a sense of identity and belonging. It is completely natural to take after the qualities, and behaviours of those you associate with. However, not everyone has something positive or helpful to contribute to your growth. It is essential that you understand that in order to develop a proper sense of self on your soul searching journey, you need to associate people who give positive energy.

Fall in Love with Nature

Urbanites tend to get lost in the hustle and bustle of city life, and ultimately lose themselves in the process. We come from nature, so step back into it. Breathe in the fresh air and feel the restorative powers of nature heal your soul. Nature isn’t just an escapist’s dream; it also helps you create a true sense of self. You could head up to a secluded hotel like Jetwing Yala, so that you could bask in the heavenly combination of the ocean, endless forests, wildlife and clear skies.

Engage in Spiritual Practices

Partaking in spiritual practices doesn’t always mean that you have to limit yourself to religious activities. It is simply engaging in practices such as yoga, meditation, or Ayurveda so that you feed your soul and spirit. It will help you understand yourself better, and lead you towards a life of self-awareness and spiritual healing. Even if you don’t have a lot of time on your hand, make a habit of meditating daily or even writing down healing thoughts. It will change your cognitive process, and relieve worries and stress.