If you’re like me, then you have some preconceived notion of what spirituality and being a guru looks like. My preconceived notion was reserved for people like Ghandi, Buddha, and Mother Theresa. They are the ones I assumed were perfect, could do no wrong, and had a mission to complete on the planet which they stopped at nothing to achieve. I didn’t believe I belonged in the same category as them.
At least this is how I used to think prior to going on my own path of spiritual development and intuitive guidance. I didn’t know that spirituality and being a guru was a quality that I possessed within myself and had access to on a daily basis. I am now grateful for the personal work I have done that led to the unraveling of these projections and judgments held.
See, spirituality and being a guru is not about perfectionism! It does not mean you won’t struggle and that judgments, doubts, or fear wont arise. Instead it’s about feeling all those emotions and moving forward with courage anyway. It’s about embracing who you are in every aspect of your being and doing the internal work to release any energy that doesn’t align with your Authentic Self.
Spirituality is about Freedom and Liberation from the ties that bind us to programming instilled by a society living in fear and instead needs to turn to love. When we step into love and operate in the world from our heart centers, we allow divine guidance to flow through us on our journeys, to encourage us to make wise decisions, and motivate us to connect with other individuals on a more authentic level that was previously unavailable.
If you’re looking to embrace your Inner Guru, to start making changes in your life, and desire to make an impact in the world then here are some steps to get the process going. I recently left a retreat weekend where we completed these steps and it transformed my entire perspective on life.
I recommend starting out slow and allowing the space for you to test your commitment level. The internal work is not for the faint of heart. You will cry, feel anger, and at times want to give up but the reward you receive when you stay committed to yourself, your healing, and the ripple effect it has on all you encounter truly make it all worthwhile. At least, I know it consistently does for me. So below, find the 5 step process to connecting with your Inner Guru!
Step 1: Meditate
Meditation is an amazing practice that allows us to sit in the stillness and connect to our true essence. It is in this space, we discover the blocks to our energy flow and what is contributing to the disconnection of energy.
Action Step: Learn about the chakra system.
The chakra system informs us of the key energy centers in our body that starts from the bottom of our spine up and through the top of our head. You will be able to connect which energy center is closed in your body and what it specifically connects to.
For example, your stomach area is the solar plexus energy center which is related to personal power. If you are feeling powerless then odds are, your solar plexus energy center is closed and you will need to open up that energy center through somatic movement or energy work.
Step 2: Acknowledge the Ego
Here’s my take on the ego, it believes it is here to protect us but what it’s really doing is keeping us small and preventing us from achieving our hearts desires. Our ego also has the ability to give us the greatest gift of all. It shows us our growth edge. Our growth edge is the line we step up to right before we do something big and courageous that takes us to the next step on our journey.
Action Step: Call the Ego Out!
Identify the growth edge and acknowledge any feelings that arise around it. Do some journal work around the thoughts that arise and then release it! You’ll feel a million times better energetically if you acknowledge what you hear versus actually ignoring it!
Step 3: Step into the Witness
Being a witness can be pretty difficult. In fact, I feel like for me this was the hardest part of the process in connecting with my Inner Guru. However, this was also the key step in transitioning from victim mode to thriving mode. A witness is someone who sees an event take place and can identify the evidence.
Action Step: Observe the patterns and belief systems
You want to see the story unfold as you were watching a movie or reading a good book. You bear witness to what is presented and do not become attached to the outcome.
You are only here to gather evidence of the patterns and belief systems!
Step 4: Claim your Inner Resources
We all have strengths, abilities, and gifts. These are the tools we use to get us from point A to point B. By utilizing these resources, you are able to move forward with courage. Inner resources are the touch points within your soul that guide you on the right path and help you create freedom, flow, and ease into your life. When your resources align, so do you and the outcome that unfolds is magnificent. It is the epitome of manifesting and raising your vibrational frequency which ripples out to all you encounter.
Action Step: Discover your inner resources through meditation.
Open your mind to receiving an image, symbol, or color. Some people may see vivid images, others may see colors, and some people may even hear what their resources are. This all depends on which clair psychic ability you strongly connect with. The clair senses I’m referring to are: clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feeling), clairaudience (hearing), claircognizance (knowing).
Step 5: Receive Intuitive Guidance
We all hold divine guidance within us but it is more about whether we are open to hearing our own guidance or continue to outsource for validation of what we already know. One of my favorite mantras is “I know what I know”.
When we step into a place of no longer needing to outsource our inner knowing to others, we embrace our personal divine wisdom. We also honor the sacredness that we embody as individuals, so we can share with the world our unique presence and message.
Action Step: Connect to any messages that come through.
Be open to receiving any intuitive guidance that comes your way. Your higher self will tell you exactly what you need to hear and not necessarily what you want to hear.
For example, I had the image of the Ace of Cups tarot card come to me. My message was to be like the water in the cup. A constant stream of ever flowing energy with ease and pouring my overflow into others. I also received a message about my aligned path being effortless whereas if I came across obstacles or the water did not flow easily then I was to stop and go in a different direction.
The essence of this is to embody your Inner Guru. Allow your divine message to flow freely, have courage to do your inner personal work, and to always be your most authentic self. When we step into the world from a place of love, light, and awareness, we all make the world a better place. This isn’t just about saying the “right things”, this is about embodiment and living from your place of authentic truth!