Think back to when you were a child. Before the world told you what you should or shouldn’t be. What were you like?

When I look back to my six year old self, I remember singing and dancing.

Just for the sheer love of releasing this creative spirit.

I was that annoying little girl that constantly sat my family down to watch my latest choreographed routine. If we had company over, it was more of a welcomed audience.

Fast forward a couple of years later when I started high school. By then I had been educated on the concepts of shame and embarrassment.

Like most teenagers. I felt it absolutely necessary to shut down any facets of my personality in order to fit in. In my high school it was not popular to laugh at anything unless it was at someone else expense. How cruel is that? No wonder so many teenagers these days are depressed. Because we were all trying to hide our freak flags. These inner children are thrusted into adult hood, despite the acne and raging hormones.

With the help of the public school system’s standardized testing and the removal of art programs and lack of recess. We have been made so uniform as a society. We’ve been taught to stay the same as everyone else. No standing out. Or we’ll be shamed as the weirdo.

This is where creativity dies. Most people are holding back their inner fun child like spirit.

There is no paved road map to your dreams. You must figure this out on your own.

But I will tell your where the road maker is. It’s in your stomach.

When you are face with an option, you can feel the sensation in an instant. Exciting butterflies, or a sudden pit of despair.

Maybe the thought of going to that party on on a weekday, in a sketchy part of town, with that mysterious person you just met, gave you a touch of the bubble guts. That was your intuition telling you, “Hey friend, let’s reel it back. How about staying home with a glass of wine and a movie”. And then you felt relieved when you listened to that little voice.

On the flip side, do not let your head talk you out of the joys in life. Your head and feelings of fear are trying to keep you safe, not exactly happy.

Let your stomach be the factor in decision making as a helpful guide.

Asking yourself daily- what is the most joyful thing I can do right now to move myself forward on my goals?

Make a decision and take the action. We humans have a tendency to hesitate. Take the action fast before you can talk yourself out of it, because you will.

Visualize what you want. Dance to summon your creative energy.

Be grateful for your dreams. They are in your heart because they are made for you.