In Chinese medicine the first thing we study is Cosmology and how to see our place in the Universe. We are taught to recognise the relationships between humans and the patterns and cycles of nature. In nature life breaks down in order to renew. In Human nature it’s the same. Right now many of us are experiencing upheavals in our lives. It’s an intense time, an opportunity and invitation to reset our life direction and realign with what’s important.
Major change is almost always a catalyst for growth, healing and expanding into larger versions of ourselves. When life dismantles our known reliable structures it can feel like we are breaking down. The good news, times of breakdown facilitated well can transform to breakthroughs. When transitioning through change it is vital we learn to settle the mind to manage worries and concerns. It is natural for anxiety to surface through times of uncertainty, with our attention swivelling from the future to past. Embracing change step by step, directs our mind into ‘present time focus’ where anxiety drops away.
Peaks of change can be seen as a thresholds, passageways from the old to the new. These times always involve a bit of threshing as we clarify what we need to let go and what we truly value! Going through these times can feel like we are in a dark tunnel. To avoid anxiety it’s important to turn up the light. Staying open and curious through change opens us up to unseen possibilities. This wider, higher more expanded perspective is the viewpoint of the Heart. When we listen to our Hearts we access higher views of our situations.
Used well ‘peaks of change’ can fast shift us from one life phase into brand new beginnings. These times almost always feel chaotic with a knee jerk response for us act urgently. For this reason it’s important to SLOW DOWN and embrace ‘not-knowing’ as a natural part of life. Step by step is a potent way to navigate unexpected change, it helps to bring our mind into focus. When the thinking mind slows down to now, we can hear our Heart, our access to higher awareness. When we are more awake and aware, the picture becomes clearer and we will see our next step.
In Chinese medicine peaks of change are known as “Life Gates”. These times are powerful openings which introduce new possibilities for transforming and healing our lives. Right now widespread collective change is amplifying our individual transformations, helping us all wake up to what we couldn’t see. Used well it’s an opportunity to step by step create more balanced lives, individually and collectively.