Why are we all so afraid of admitting mistakes?
We all make them! Where does that need to be seen as perfect come from? When we are not seen as right or perfect, there is a much deeper wound -especially in women- and if you track it, it’s actually the need to receive love in the form of value and recognition from others so that we can feel worthy.
Lack of self-love and self-worth is at the heart of all our drive to be seen as perfect.
This very old and deep wound is energetically palpable in the collective field right now, and is one of the main root causes for so much of the conflict rising all around us .
It is rising up for collective healing and it can occur when we each as women remember that our Self-Care regime requires reform. We must begin to put our Soul-Care on the calendar, not self-care but deep soul-care.
Things like honest and open dialogue with ourselves, first about our deepest fears of failure then our shame, and off the charts high level of self criticism- these are the collective wounds from being born a woman in a patriarchal world, time and time again — with the soul intent of awakening the remembrance of the intrinsic gifts of femininity.
It is the center of birth and Sacred Knowledge, of inner wisdom and precious, precious magic.
Join me in this video to expand your inner work and begin the healing..
because if you’re ready, it’s time…
Addendum- Towards the end of this piece I quote 300 million in the United States suffering from depression, that was a mistake, it is actually 300 million world wide, according to the World Health Organization.
If you want to study with me personally, be sure to check out my private session work available and my new course Healing: Mind, Body & Soul
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Originally published at medium.com