Radiation in your hands.   Introduction and Part I

EMF Health Report. revised April, 2020

Dear Reader,

In the interest of good health and wellness, and with the increased use of powerful mobile smartphones and wireless networks, here is advice on the use of personal and professional electronic devices.  To state up front, I am not a scientist or a medical professional. This is practical lifestyle advice based on common sense, holistic viewpoints, and scientific reasoning (there are clinical trials and studies that support this argument, see references).

I have gathered this info from a dozen books, my own experience studying this subject since 1991, and some great websites.  I’ve found most health reports and books on this subject are either overly technical, hardly technical at all, or fail to present a simple, complete argument.  My goal is to give you a comprehensive handbook you can use to improve life in this area of radiation exposure.  Radiation from Electronic devices and networks is here to stay, and there are ways to live with it, and protect yourself from harm.

This is the latest version of my Natural Health report on the effects of Microwave Radiation.  You will see this referred to with different definitions;   Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF), Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR), Radio Frequency (RF), and even the combination RF-EMR. All these terms are often used interchangeably. For our purposes, I’ll use the term Microwave Radiation, as it’s the most accurate, and is understood in legal and scientific language.

As the recent awareness of “5G” networks increases, more and more people are asking fundamental questions about wireless networks.  5G is fast becoming the wake-up call for all Microwave Radiation, similar to how Roundup does for chemicals in the environment.

Much of the report was confirmed by the seminar I attended in late 2013 at the Open Center of NY, hosted by Camilla Rees (her book in the notes at end), with a group of Doctors and Scientists who presented evidence of harm to all biological life from human made radiation. Included were Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a leading cardiologist, who told an incredible story of saving his son’s life from radiation.  And Dr. Martin Blank, who presented his landmark studies of how non-ionizing radiation can damage the body (he is sadly deceased).

In June, 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an agency of the World Health Organization, released a report warning that radiation from mobiles, wireless devices, and Wi-Fi networks are possible carcinogens. When such a bureaucratic institution takes an official stand, there is much more to the warning than what they release to the public (the scientists who conducted that study have recently stated, if they repeated the experiments today, they would raise the warning to “known” carcinogen). We are facing the next great health hazard, following tobacco smoke, industrialized food, and heavy use of petrochemical compounds. Call it ‘Electric smog’, or ‘E-smog’, even Dirty Electricity. One day, medical science will be forced to recognize, probably too late, that the next increase in chronic illness is the result of our modern environment; the use of dirty electricity in our power circuits and the prevalence of human-made radiation from powerful electronic devices.  Remember how many decades it took for public awareness of the dangers of cigarette smoking to finally take effect?   The same may be true of this recent phenomenon. 

If you want to know more about the background, read Part I. If you are already convinced, and just want solutions, go to Part II. Before you jump to Part II, for those of you who are ‘holistic’; practicing yoga, tai-chi, eating organic foods, living an integrated lifestyle; well, I bet most of you do not consider damage to your ‘life force’ energy by electronics. Many times, I see people come out of a Yoga studio, and immediately pull out their mobiles and start yakking. All that positive energy you built up during the yoga session; that great feeling you have, is being depleted by your use of a mobile phone. You want to be holistic? Then consider the true meaning of the word; incorporate life-sustaining practices in all your daily routines. Instead of bailing water out of a leaky boat, plug the leaks first.

Part I:

When you consider that humans, and all living creatures, flora and fauna, are electric/electromagnetic beings, this argument makes sense.  We not only have electricity coursing through the body; we generate and radiate our own electro-magnetic field…we resonate.  When one energy field encounters another, the stronger field dominates, and the weaker field diminishes.  When that exposure is more than episodic, the weaker field can receive physical cell damage.

In the last few years, microbiologists are discovering more and more that the life of a body’s cells is determined by its ability to build and hold an electric charge. When your cells lose their electric charge, they age quickly and die prematurely, reducing immunity and longevity.

There is natural radiation, from the Sun and the Earth, and unnatural radiation, which is man-made.  All unnatural radiation negatively impacts life, because plant, animal, human life is Electro-magnetic in nature.  Science knows, and this is indisputable, that ionizing radiation, both natural and unnatural, directly damages living cells.  This is called the thermal effect, because it heats tissue.  Conventional science argues that non-ionizing radiation does not damage cells because it does not have the thermal effect. This argument only addresses the primary cellular wave on non-ionizing radiation, which does not heat tissue. 

However, there is a secondary carrier wave with digital information, voice and data, that oscillates at a frequency recognized by the body.  This wave gets absorbed and initiates cellular defense mechanisms which try to prevent penetration of the cell.  This defense action also stops nutrient absorption…nothing in, nothing out. Cellular waste remains, when it would normally be flushed out. This causes degradation of cellular integrity because of toxic overload. The more the exposure to non-native radiation, the more cellular damage, regardless if it is ionizing or non-ionizing.

Here is a short description of what is at stake for our planet, and its biological life. A preface for a documentary film: RESONANCE – BEINGS OF FREQUENCY, (see it on VIMEO):

  “When life first arrived on this planet, about 2 billion years ago, Earth’s surface was filled with a natural frequency. As life slowly evolved, it did so surrounded by this frequency. And inevitably, it began tuning in.  By the time mankind arrived on earth an incredible relationship had been struck; a relationship that science is just beginning to comprehend.

     Research is showing that being exposed to this frequency is absolutely integral to us. It controls our mental and physical health, it synchronizes our circadian rhythms, and it aids our immune system and improves our sense of wellbeing.  Not only are we surrounded by natural frequencies, our bodies are filled with them too.  Our cells communicate using electro magnetic frequencies. Our brain emits a constant stream of frequencies and our DNA delivers instructions, using frequency waves. Without them we couldn’t exist for more than a second.

    This delicate balance has taken billions of years to perfect. But over the last 25 years this harmony has been disturbed, and disturbed dramatically. Mankind has submerged itself in an ocean of artificial frequencies. They are all around us, filling the air and drowning out the earth’s natural resonance. To the naked eye the planet appears to be the same. But at a cellular level it is the biggest change that life on earth has endured; the effects of which we are just starting to see and feel.”

The filmmaker is referring to the “Schumann Resonance” (more on this later, including a solution).  And he mentions how DNA formation is connected to the frequencies.  Despite the central dogma of biology, that the gene is the determiner of health, disease, and longevity, the field of epigenetics has proven our DNA is only a blueprint, not the builder, and not the final word on the outcome of wellbeing.  Our lifestyle choices, environment and emotions are the final arbiters of health and longevity.

Before continuing, I recognize we live in a culture of convenience. Americans, and those in modern industrial societies, take for granted that market economies will provide products that make life easier. We rarely think how these products evolved, and what are the consequences.

There are always consequences. You want affordable and abundant fuel, heat and cooling, plastics, antibiotics, medicine, cosmetics, household cleaners and food? All are a result of over one million petrochemical compounds synthesized in the last 100+ years, at least 80,000 of them still in production today. The price? Toxic and carcinogenic particles in the sea, air, land, and your body.  Many of these petrochemicals are hormone disruptors, and mimic estrogen, thus effecting male sperm counts, a major factor in increasing male sterility, and creating hormone imbalances in women.

Here is your choice: You can take steps to detoxify and prevent more of this junk from entering your system, or you can remain blissfully ignorant and go about your life, building a toxic body load, then one day the doctor gives you the news: “you have cancer”, and you are only 50, or 40, or even 30 years old. So, think and consider: what price are you willing to pay for all this convenience? At the same time, recognize that modern technology is here to stay; we have the choice to use it effectively, in service to us, or become prisoners of the machine.

I realize many people are experiencing ‘warning fatigue’. Every day, the news media splashes us with reports of “…this causes cancer” or “…that causes cancer”, so we reach a point of telling ourselves, “the hell with it, everything causes cancer”. As my Drill Sergeant said: “You need an attitude adjustment”.

There is a lot to absorb here, so take your time.  You will find, once you get it, you can embrace it as easy as brushing your teeth and getting dressed.

If you think this is a new threat, here is some shocking news I re-discovered. A good friend in Washington D.C., who has studied Microwave Radiation pollution for over 35 years, told me about this report years ago. It recently jumped back into my awareness. In 1968, there existed, directly under the President of the United States, the Office of Telecommunications Policy. This Office set up the Electromagnetic Radiation Management Advisory Council, and commissioned the Council to write this report:

“Program for control of electromagnetic pollution of the environment: The assessment of biological hazards of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation”. 

Notice they distinguished ionizing radiation (x-rays, medical scanning devices, the Sun) from non-ionizing radiation (devices like your cellular/mobile phone). It has long been recognized that Ionizing radiation is dangerous to health, this is the first time a civilian report was commissioned to determine the effects of non-ionizing radiation (the Armed Forces have been aware of this since World War II, and studied it extensively).

The first report was completed and published in 1971. One of its most startling conclusions, to quote:

“The Electromagnetic radiation emanating from radar, television, communication systems, microwave ovens, industrial heat treatment systems, medical equipment, and many other sources, permeate the modern environment, both civilian and military. Unless adequate monitoring controls, based on a fundamental understanding of biological effects, are instituted in the near future, then in the decades ahead, man may enter an era of energy pollution of the environment, comparable to the chemical pollution of today. The consequences of under-valuing, or misjudging the biological effects of long-term, low-level exposure could become a critical problem for the public health. Especially if genetic effects are involved.” 

Wow. They knew this back in 1971, when personal use of electronic devices was almost nil. And, they recognized that industrial pollution of the environment was already negatively impacting health.

The Office of Telecommunications Policy was abolished in the mid-70’s, and its duties moved to the Dept. of Commerce, where the severity of its warnings was watered down in subsequent editions, so as not to offend the Electronic and Telecom industries. You can find these subsequent editions on the web. But the original first edition is extremely rare, and I’m still searching for a copy.  

As a US Army officer during the Cold War, and a government contractor, I had 20 years in the belly of the beast.  I dug into my institutional memory to find which agency might have done the original research, and came upon this; a US Navy Medical Research Institute report, from October 1971, which may be connected to the Presidential commission report.  It’s not as thorough as I expected, being a bibliography of symptoms potentially caused by radiation from microwave and radio frequencies.  It shows there was concern in different fields of government (the Armed Forces, especially the Navy, have dealt with Microwave Radiation, and all forms of radiation, since WW II).


Upon further digging, I discovered the Department of Defense was well aware of these dangers before the civilian agency published that 1971 report.  There are many health studies and reports conducted by DoD agencies in the 60’s and 70’s.  Quite a few are referenced in Paul Brodeur’s 1977 book: The Zapping of America.  This incredible work thoroughly investigates the knowledge in the Army, Navy & Air Force in that early era of massive electronic growth.  He even discusses the 1971 Office of Telecommunications Policy report quoted above, in Chapters 5&6 of his book.  Brodeur’s reporting shows the Pentagon had full knowledge of the dangers, and willfully avoided notifying the soldiers and civilians effected.  It was the Cold War.  Any advantage gained through technology was worth the risk, according to the “Best and Brightest”.  Well, the Cold War is over, but our technological elite are still ignoring the health effects of Microwave Radiation.  The FCC takes their cue from the Telecoms industry that they are supposed to regulate…they are considered the most ‘captured’ agency in the Federal Gov’t, along with the FDA.   The FCC does not even have a health department in the agency. 

The Threat:

Let us look at the most visible culprit in this assault of man-made radiation: the mobile phone.  In actuality, a mobile handset, or cellular phone, is a digital radio combined with a micro-computer, powered by a strong battery. Don’t think of it like a normal telephone. Not only does it transmit & receive digital radio signals in the form of microwaves to the nearest cell tower, the computer chips in the phone radiate their own Radiation field, as does the battery. This, in effect, is a triple threat; the combined Microwave Radiation field is 100-1,000 times more powerful than the natural field of your brain (measured in milli-gauss). With a Smart phone, there are 4-5 different antennas inside the case: for voice calling, for WiFi, for Bluetooth, for GPS (location services), and for Hot-Spot.  Each function has its own set of micro-chips.

You can buy a ‘Gauss’ meter, there are good ones at the websites mentioned below, especially www.lessemf.com  Before you get overzealous testing every area of your life, remember; virtually every electronic device and wireless network functioning today is much more powerful than your body’s energy field.

Each new Generation of the mobile phone network means a large increase in the giga-hertz range (GHz), which is electric cycles per second, measured in the billions. 1G, or 1st Generation, was the brick sized mobile phone you saw Gordon Gekko carry in “Wall Street”.  2G came in the mid-90’s and allowed calling and texting, or SMS (Remember the Motorola Star-Tac?).   3G was the first network to allow email and web browsing on a phone, the Palm Pilot was a good example.   4G does the same, but faster, operating in the 3-8 GHz range (4G LTE is stronger), and allowing fast streaming and other data services, and a multitude of “apps” for the phone.

Your microwave oven operates at 2.5 GHz (never use it for anything other than a glorified storage cabinet). WiFi networks function in 2.4GHz and 5GHz range, however, there is a new WiFi standard coming down the road which operates in a much higher range, WiFi-MAXX.  Electricity in a building’s wiring operates at 60 hertz, or 60 cycles per second, in the USA (50 hertz in 220 volt lands). 

Your body evolved over millions of years under a frequency of 7-13 cycles per second, called the Schumann Resonance, which is a series of cycles, varying based on geography and elevation, with the average being 7.83Hz (not Mega or Giga hertz, just plain Hertz). Electricity and Electronics have been present in our lives for about 120 years.  How can our bodies adapt and evolve fast enough to keep up?

Now you get the picture. Even the simple electricity grid is potentially toxic, especially when many devices are plugged into a wall outlet. 

Today, the prevalent network for mobiles is in the 4th Generation (4G and 4G-LTE).  The 5G (5thGeneration) network roll-out has been announced, and will take a few years to implement fully, despite the adverts telling you “5G is here now!”. The FCC has embraced this roll-out with incredible zeal.  The emerging 5G network is ultra-high frequency operating in the 24-90 GHz range, and requires adding new cell towers in addition to the existing 4G network.  And, the deployment of many more towers, because the signal range is not as far as 4G. 

The 5G roll-out calls for a cell tower every 250-500 feet, mounted on street lamps.  And, there are plans to launch tens of thousands of satellites in low-earth orbit that can potentially broadcast the 5G frequencies to cover every square meter of the planet’s surface.  This high frequency allows for large data streams, but it’s distance is limited, and it has difficulty penetrating material like thick walls, which means many office buildings will have 5G cell towers inside. However, it has a biological downside: at that speed, the frequency can penetrate water and oxygen molecules in your body, and who knows what will happen.

This new 5G network promises a band width strong enough to stream high speed video, much faster than your home Internet connection.  How convenient…more walking zombies on the streets.  

There is a fear that 5G can be used as a mind-control device….this is based on the fact, not rumor, that the high end of the frequency range of 5G is the same as that of various U.S. Army Electronic Warfare (EW) systems, called Active Denial (AD) weapons.  These weapon systems are used for crowd control and dispersion.  One of them causes skin to get hot…so hot the person feels they are on fire, and will run far away from the source.  In theory, a civilian 5G network signal can be implanted with different programs that cause the same affect, or other mind control manipulations, just as the military systems have proven to do in the past. Active Denial systems have multiple applications; they can be used to plant emotional motivators in the human mind, like aggression or passivity (mind control has grown beyond the LSD and water boarding methods of the Jason Bourne novels). I wish I was making this stuff up.  Some of the Army field manuals are on the web.  This is not to say the 5G network will be used for such purposes, but the capability is there, and to be honest, provides fuel for the conspiracy minded.

Internet Of Things (I.O.T.)

You may have heard about the Internet Of Things.  From a technological point of view, this is a progression of our industrial evolution from strictly mechanical machinery (18-19th Century), to electric driven machines (first half of 20th century), to electronic machines (mainframe computers, robotic factories and programable devices), to now, in the 21st Century….Smart machines.

“Smart” electronics are more than simply chip-enabled devices….they are wireless-enabled, transmitting and receiving signals to connect to a vast network of computer servers, where all information can be collected to fill data bases that have Artificial Intelligence programs able to conduct moment to moment functions without human intervention.  Sounds insidious, but this is actually considered great progress by the technological elite. 

Smart Meters in your home are part of this trend of connecting every digital device to the Web, so all data can be recorded and tracked.  You can opt-out of getting Smart Meters for your electric and gas usage.

In order for I.O.T. to happen, the 5G network is necessary, according to the techno-crats. This is being sold to you using the convenience factor of running your entire electronic life from your smartphone; temperature controls, lights, kitchen appliances, home entertainment, etc.  Your life managed from your hand, as in the GENiSYS program from the Terminator movie of 2015, with Emilia Clarke playing Sarah Connor.  In other words, Skynet without the killer robots.

Where did the screenwriters get this idea, and it’s name, with this spelling, “GENiSYS”?  From an actual program created by DARPA for US intelligence, called Total Information Awareness (TIA), which was proposed to Congress after approval of the Patriot Act in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.  Initially TIA got funded by Congress, but after public awareness raised alarm bells, Congress grew a spine and de-funded it in 2003, so the NSA moved TIA underground and kept it running under different names (this is part of the Snowden revelations).  While TIA was/is the classified version of IOT, they both do the same thing: use the World Wide Web to develop technologies which enable “ultra-large, all-source information repositories”.  I include this nugget, not to scare you…rather to show how nefarious these technological advances are in actuality. There is no innocent purpose to all this intelligence gathering, it is a system of control, and marketing, to keep the consumer economy going, and keep the central authority of Federal agencies in charge.  

The unadvertised purpose of all this technology is to replace human labor with machines, especially when A.I. is implemented in every industry. Once 5G is fully implemented, the next generation, 6G, is already in the planning stages. Then I.O.T will be replaced with I.O.E. (the Internet of Everything).  This includes the entire space of the earth’s atmosphere, saturated with unnatural radiation from satellites and cell towers.  A space occupied with our bodies, and all plant and animal life, day and night.

Start thinking about ALL electronic devices that are near your body; computers and tablets sitting on your lap, Wi-Fi waves floating through your home, home cordless phones which have their own wave field penetrating the entire space, Bluetooth devices, Fluorescent lighting, office machines (copiers, Fax, scanners, video screens, etc.), not to mention all the electric wiring in the walls. Do you have a wall socket right at the head of your bed?  Move the bed away from it, even a few inches make a difference.  Or leave that outlet empty, which reduces the leaking field.

Why is man-made Microwave Radiation harmful to health? You can start by watching the hour-long video presentation by Dr. Devra Davis (bottom of this article). Science used to believe that the brain emits the largest electromagnetic field of the body, so the natural focus of many cell phone studies has been the head area.

However, the heart generates the body’s most powerful and most extensive rhythmic electromagnetic field.  Compared to the electromagnetic field produced by the brain, the electrical component of the heart¹s field is about 60 times greater in amplitude, and permeates every cell in the body. The magnetic component is approximately 5,000 times stronger than the brain’s magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body with sensitive magnetometers. Using a wireless device throws off the delicate balance between heart and brain. And the wireless device uses your brain as an antennae extender.  While your brain is protected by the skull, it is weakest at the Ear canal, which is where you hold the phone. So, the Microwave Radiation wave goes directly to the brain, with minimal skull protection.

In closing this section, I must re-iterate; modern industry has created and distributed products for our personal use, making life more convenient, and providing immense growth for societies.  However, that growth was, and still is, accomplished without consequence to biological health and the environment.

This growth tendency is in the nature of America’s type of corporate capitalism (not all market based economies are like this). The following scenario has played out many times: a manufacturer brings a new product to market.  If it has a negative effect on human life, then the Government has to prove that product is dangerous, usually after some disaster, and after many years of study.  Only then does the manufacturer grudgingly make a minor modification, which only alters the one specific part of the product that can be linked directly to the cancer or illness.

*This is a catatonic model of industrial production*

Can you really expect this to change significantly in the near future? You have, at the individual, family, and small group level, the ability to take charge of your life, and stop placing blind trust in an industry that has primary responsibility to maximize profits every financial quarter, and return that profit to its investors (and to Wall Street). 

I am not ranting against market-based economies (capitalism). I am highlighting the consequences of our particular implementation of those markets. The goal of most publicly traded companies used to be “make a reasonable profit”. Corporations used to invest in local communities. Now, across the board, it is “maximize profit, at all costs” (this trend started in the late 70’s). We can evolve towards a market system that has social responsibility for the livelihood of its citizens and the environment as equal goals with profit making, as Adam Smith, the father of modern capitalism, originally envisioned in The Wealth of Nations.

Economy should function in support of the greater society, not the other way around.  We can create Social-Market economies, which exist in Western Europe (admittedly with plenty of kinks).

In the U.S., we currently have a corporate capitalist model leaning towards monopoly and plutocracy, not a classic capitalist model integrated with the needs of the nation. No ideology or “-ism” survives practical implementation of governance, so any discussion of capitalism vs. socialism does not help bring true understanding, instead it keeps the public distracted and occupied with name calling.  The fact is, our current system is not working, except to enrich the ultra-wealth class and global corporations.

Recently, a movement has emerged in business, that of ‘conscious capitalism’.  The CEO of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, announced the firm will only invest in businesses that have “purpose”, and that purpose must be more than profit, it must be purpose in making the world a better place.  However, those companies still report quarterly reports to Wall Street, and BlackRock has over 7 Trillion dollars in assets, as of early 2020, so, in the end, this may be an empty gesture.

I realize this argument is a diversion from this health report, however, our health crisis was created by these industrial methods of production in food/medicine/communication technologies which have brought us incredible growth….and now we are paying the price.  Implementing new technologies won’t solve the crisis (for example, “finding” a cure for cancer).  We must approach the entirety of societal functioning with a system view that mimics nature (bio-mimicry).  The macro is the micro, and vice-versa.   Revising our way of life is essential to finding a path to operate as part of the greater whole..


  • Guy Vantresca

    In health, focus on the benefit, not the inconvenience. Modern convenience, that we take for granted, comes at the price of our health. That is no bargain.

    My early New York life revolved around two B's: Brooklyn and Beacon (and within Brooklyn, it was Bay Ridge, so there is a third B). My father's Italian family settled in Beacon, my mother's Lebanese family in Bay Ridge, and I was shuttled back and forth between divorced parents, from ages 4-14. The lure of travel was ingrained in my routine. Later, I realized an advantage over other city kids who didn't get enough fresh air. And I benefited from growing up eating the two best cuisines in the Mediterranean (sorry, Arianna). While in university, I craved adventure, challenge, and a chance to manifest my leadership abilities in service to others (later, having read Joseph Campbell's work on Mythology, I realized I was following the Hero's Journey). So the month after Saigon fell in April, 1975, I signed the contract to become a US Army officer, effective upon graduation in 1977. Everyone was running away from the Army, I figured it was a good time to join. Since I missed the first two years of ROTC, I had to complete the same basic training course as regular recruits. The Army was desperate for new officers, and, for the first time, integrated men and women in the same cadet officer training (it took West Point another year to follow suit). The strongest lesson learned that summer, in the blazing heat of Fort Knox, Kentucky, was how to work together with men and women of different skill levels, abilities, origins and geography. My assignments led me first to Ft. Hood, Texas, then to Germany, as a Tank officer at the height of the last phase of the Cold War, when Ronald Reagan increased spending, which accelerated tensions with the Soviet Union. While never engaged in actual combat, our training was so rigorous and dangerous (The M-60 tank is a 52 ton steel monster), i was almost killed multiple times.  Despite this, the European lifestyle was so appealing, I resigned as a Captain with an overseas separation, and found a job in the emerging I.T. industry with an American firm in Germany.  This was a time of heavy infrastructure building as traditional Data Processing became Information Technology, and crossed over with the Telecommunications industry, providing me a base knowledge of all communications technology which became critical in understanding EMF exposure, the subject of my first two articles.  I spent a total of 12 years in Germany, living in Berlin when the Wall fell. This was the beginning of my interest in Natural Health. I started meditating, doing Yoga, eating a balanced diet, and taking supplements. 30 years later, it's safe to say I have benefited greatly from the integration of Mind, Body, Spirit and have chosen a path of Healing as my life purpose. After serving as Executive Director of the Global Health Institute in NYC in 2016-17, I served as board member of the Institute for Spirituality & Healthcare in Princeton, NJ for 2018.