Life can be stressful. Stress can’t be eliminated, but it can be managed. It’s all about what you do with it.

Be mindful of the events that happen in your life. To keep the important experiences which make you happy well remembered, end the day with gratitude.

This end-of-day gratitude meditation is an invitation to witness and then release all thoughts connected to the day as you prepare for deeper rest and relaxation. By ending the day in this way, we become more appreciative of whatever our experience was, whether joyful or melancholy, and find a greater sense of peace within this present moment.

Gratitude, Sleep, and Relaxation

Guided gratitude meditations can also promote clearing of any stress or tension we may be carrying in mind and body, while improving our ability to rest comfortably. When we engage in gratitude at the end of the day, this deep relaxation can improve our sleep.

As the mind diminishes and the heart grows in warmth and appreciation for the kindnesses that have come our way, our body naturally eases until finally resting in a deep slumber.

Expanding Our Knowledge of Gratitude

When we practice gratitude, we shift our thinking from negative to positive; however, rather than suppressing the challenges we may have encountered along the way, we can consider the fact that gratitude simply invites us to witness the positive that exists despite what may have been challenging or painful. For instance, could we know joy if we did not know sorrow?

Ending the Day with Gratitude

This end-of-day gratitude meditation is an invitation to witness and then release all thoughts connected to the day as you prepare for deeper rest and relaxation. By ending the day in this way, we become more appreciative of whatever our experience was, whether happy or sad, and find a greater sense of peace within this present moment.

The Takeaway

As we turn inwards for meditation, the yet peaceful place inside assists us as we draw peace and stillness.

Jerry Nelson is an American writer living the expat life in Argentina. You can find him at any of hundreds of sidewalk cafes and hire him through Fiverr, join the quarter-million who follow him on Twitter or contact him at [email protected]

