How many times each day do you watch, read, or listen to bad news?
As Doctor Phil would say, “How’s that working for you?”
How many times each day do you share negative stories and events with other people?
I would like you to think long and hard about this. Pause and take a deep breath. Be aware of how much negative energy you are storing or sharing.
Now make the choice to change these negative habit patterns. Change your Karma to a more positive path; one that will enrich not only you, but those that you come in contact with on a daily basis.
Here are some ideas that are sure to make you and others pause and reflect:
* Instead of the usual casual greeting of, “How are you doing?”; ask instead, “What good things are happening for you today?”
* Begin every meeting you are involved in by asking, “Who has something positive they would like to share today?”
* Create an atmosphere at home of focusing on positive events, and positive role models. Sharing these positive thoughts at the dinner table is a great way to reinforce this winning habit, and to build a positive character.
* When other people start to unload all of their negative stories and negative energy, stop them in their tracks. Tell them that you are only interested in hearing about the good things that are happening in their life. You will both win!
* Do something nice for someone… without anyone knowing.
* Make the decision… the choice… to be happy!
* Avoid adopting other people’s negative energy and views. You are better than that. Be your own person.
* Find inspiration and joy in all the miracles that happen every day.
* Find your purpose. Live for something other than “stuff”.
* Be in charge of what you allow to enter your mind… avoid the energy vampires. Remember, you always move toward your current dominant thoughts.
* Choose to respond to, rather than react to the challenges that you may face.
* Be humble.
* Breathe.
* Love deeply.
* Be a hero to someone.
Remember… Every day is a gift, and the quality of your life is your gift to yourself.