When was the last time you had the chance to get your haircut? We are all scrambling to make calls and book appointments for the little things that bring us pleasure in life.
I’ve been fortunate, I have a standing appointment to get my haircut once per month and this week was my regularly scheduled time to visit the salon.
Thank goodness!
After 16 weeks without this service, I was becoming unrecognizable to myself!
Regardless of having to wear a mask, use hand sanitizer and sign a waiver, it felt fantastic. At least now when I look in the mirror I feel a little more like my old self.
The simple pleasures in life are pretty basic but when we are unable to enjoy the essentials it does have a negative effect on our mood.
I think we’ve all been struggling to stay positive, it hasn’t been easy. As we begin to participate in the various stages of back to business, I feel a vibration of acceptance and excitement in the air.
As a Certifed Personal Trainer and Master Coach, I’ve seen the positive effects up close and personal when we are able to achieve a goal or complete a task. There is nothing more satisfying as the smile that lights up a face when someone feels good about themselves.
Isn’t it time that we enjoy a few of life’s guilty pleasures?
Simple things like drinking a milkshake, getting a manicure, going on a picnic, or sharing a few laughs with our friends.
Are you smiling yet?
Our well-being is directly connected to our 5 senses and the enjoyment we find in our fundamental lifestyle choices.
We should give credit to Mother Nature because when we are “happy” our bodies produce chemicals that when combined with endorphins work together to create balance, stability and happiness.
Serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine are the most common and they work naturally together to ensure that we share genuine smiles.
In addition to enjoying some of the guilty pleasures in life here are a few things you can do to boost your happiness levels:
- Good sleep
- Meditate
- Exercise
- Laugh
- Listen to music
- Eat something spicy
- Conscious deep breathing
- Human connection, holding hands, hugging and yes, even sex
- Pleasant Face-to-Face Conversation
- Dance…
I’m sure you are able to add many more items to the list, in fact, I encourage you to write your own list and check it twice. Include all the things that make you happy. Creating a new to-do list that includes a little indulgence is a great way to start the week.
It is time to gently rip off the bandaid, take caution and begin to live again. We are all ready to enjoy a few of life’s guilty pleasures.
Indulge! It will contribute to your well-being!
Trish Tonaj is a Master Coach, Certifed Personal Trainer, Certifed in EQ – Emotional Intelligence, Author, Mentor and Speaker. She is the founder and guest blog host for shareyourstories.online a portal in support of the entrepreneurial spirit and sharing great ideas. Join us and share your story! https://bit.ly/37N3XQw