1) Being a Human is about fostering positive qualities.

From a mindfulness standpoint , there are two choices. Either you choose to live your life “mindfully”, or you drift into living “unmindfully”. Now, it brings us to a question: What is “mindful living”? Essentially, we are all “perfect” by nature. By “perfection” here I mean a state of unity, peace and balance on a personal front and with immense potential (and silent resolve) to transpire that understanding to the multitude. Well, that is a promise, the promise of being at receiving end of this rare existence: existence as a human being. And, living mindfully is about going from a “defiled and deluded state” to a state of “perfection”.
So, a question arises. Why is there a need to foster mindfulness in our lives? Here is a probable explanation. Amid leading our “perfect” worldly lives, at some point, everybody comes to a realization that something is fundamentally wrong or missing: that what we call living is “flawed to the core”, sorely lacking somehow. A sense of lack cuts to the core of our modern-day existences. Lack of peace and fulfillment and a sense of restlessness becomes the norm. Why is that so? Well, one explanation could be this: that life and its pleasures are fleeting, and “defilements” is something we are confronted with if we are not mindful . Now, what are those “defilements” that are hindrances to evolution as a perfected entity, a human being? The answer: Lust, greed, hatred, ignorance, behavioral “shortcomings” like backbiting… unduly and unnecessarily deprecating (self and others), lack of insight or delusion. And, the narratives remain similar –be it at personal fronts or organizational. Also, these “defilements” via way of “karmic equation” hinders our own success…wrecks our own lives.
2) Discords in personal fronts and at organizations in modern day context are inevitable:
Today, suffice it to say that we live in a state of reaction. That has become a norm. Unfortunately. Also, our lives –and our lives in organizations–are rife with chaos and disruption. And all we do is react; our stance and approach are that of mindless reaction. We are angry with or deluded about circumstances with seeming unaccountable “variables” that doubtless “show up” in everybody’s–and everyday– lives. These “variables” and occurrences could amount to “obscuration” and “discord”. (Yet we remain deluded about the solutions to these discords). And most of these “discords” are related to our behaviors in everyday undertakings.
But isn’t this “discord” inevitable (and inherent) to each individual life or existence (and existence at organizations)? And so, in the light of aforesaid discussion the need to foster equanimity comes to the fore, doesn’t it? But what exactly is equanimity? Equanimity is the ability to maintain peace amid chaos and disruption. The big idea and promise in seeking enlightenment is seeking equanimity; they are synonymous in many ways. And one arrives to that state, the state of equanimity or enlightenment, through gaining insights into one’s problems. And the problems could be personal or organizational.
3) Solutions:
Enlightenment, it now becomes apparent, isn’t about acquiring a “halo”(not in the least). Rather it’s about reveling in your “innate nature”, and your nature of purity, equanimity, peace, empathy and compassion.
Again, it brings us to ponder few more equations:
Aren’t today’s workplaces fretted with seen, foreseen and unforeseen challenges? When economic recession isn’t a “figment of our imagination” or “our own mind’s creation” but a “painful reality” that’s just lurking round the corner; when every new innovation and technology threatens to disrupt pre-existing business models ( and business models that might have taken decades to sustain itself), the need for “enlightenment” or insight (into existing and potential future organizational discords) and evolution into discovering solutions to those challenges or discords become more pressing. And mindful engagement is possible.
Enlightenment in this context–in the context of workplaces–is about evolving through challenges and discord to a flexible, interdependent, accepting and progressive place.
Also, in the light of the inevitability of discords and obscurations in our today’s workplaces, what one can (from the standpoint of enlightenment) safely conclude is this: that one needs to first acknowledge that these disruptions are necessary part and aspect of evolution. The acknowledgment of challenges must be the first step in our –and our organization’s–evolution. Next, one could then go to fostering a sense of equanimity in work sphere through countering the very factors that lead to stagnation and mediocrity: ignorance about the all-existent and new modern-day business challenges (where chaos and disruption are norms) , changing economic and organizational landscapes, ever-changing dynamics of work environments and changing and evolving customer needs, to name a few.
Overall, through transcending our shortcomings–in habits, in mindsets, in approaches to challenges –our business leaders and “enlightenment-inspired workplaces” can transform lives and the very foundations of businesses and organizations. That is a belief: a belief in the power (and transforming potential) of enlightenment and “soul searching”. “
Disclaimer: The issues of health, wealth, productivity and happiness discussed in this article are for general informational purpose only and shouldn’t be constituted or regarded as expert advice on the matter. Please talk to relevant experts before making any major life decisions regarding health, wealth, success and productivity.