Women are now putting health and wellbeing at the top of their to-do-lists. Instead of entering onto their spiritual journey’s, in their golden years. Women are now deciding to enter onto it, during their prime years. Kay, 34, is a young – woman who lives and breathes a spiritual way of living. And I’m grateful she took the time to share it with me.
Hello Kay, how has your sense of purpose evolved as you’ve gained more life experience and entered your Second Act?
When I was younger, many of the things I thought of as valuable and important actually don’t matter. I thought being perceived as ‘successful’ and having expensive things meant I was somebody.
I use to think that if I did things for others I was a good person. By putting people first, often at the expense of my own self-care and attention.
Now, I’m purposeful about taking care of myself. And that makes me more interested in having wonderful friends to share experiences with.
What do you prioritise in your life today and how is it different from what you prioritised when you were younger?
Now I prioritise making time for myself. For example I like to be still and meditate. Or to practice yoga, by moving my body in ways that give me pleasure and which invest energy, and intellectual development.
I have learned that to truly fulfil my intention to help others, I must first invest in myself. Through being loving, nourishing, and by showing myself compassion and respect.
What new challenges have you taken on? How have you done it? What results have you seen?
Challenging myself is crucial – some of the biggest achievements I have experienced have come about completely unexpectedly. It was those experiences that always lead to a positive outcome.
Ironically, they have come from the scariest and darkest of challenges. Overcoming those fears is the best way to boost ones self-belief and spiritual growth.
In terms of recurrent challenges, since I met my husband eight years ago. I have emigrated three times and each time, I learned something new about myself. Especially what I can achieve in a difficult or brand new situation.
I have learned that I can be a friend to myself. Especially, when I haven’t yet met anyone. And that I can make friends, by simply being ‘me’. I learned that self love is my biggest life tool early on.
Tell us about your sense of purpose and how has it shifted with time and maturity?
I used to be driven to be what I thought people wanted me to be. In a way that would make me ‘accepted’ in the group.
Now I am solely driven to love and care for myself and my own needs, which in turn naturally seems to lead me to like-minded people who add colour, purpose and interest to my life.
It’s all about finding balance for me now. Give to myself what I want to receive. Give to myself, so I can give to others.
What holds meaning in your life today and how has that changed over the years?
Meaning for me now lies in appreciating the small things. Their tangibility and their characteristics. Using all of my senses to explore and learn. Really knowing the people I love and admire. And asking them questions.
I lived much of my life finding distractions to take me as far away from reality as possible. I was avoiding ‘life’ as much as possible due to my myriad of fears. I didn’t want to get hurt.
Now I know by facing them head on I make myself empowered. Even if I fail. It’s better to have tried and failed. Than never to have tried at all.
Kay Botha runs her own business empowering her clients physically and mentally. She can be found on the following page.