Austin Varley is the founder of Live Your Lifestyle; a movement that is geared towards bringing people together and them things that aren’t obtainable knowledge wise in schools.

In this article, we will learn the values and principles that Austin has applied in his life to help him overcome stress and achieve success as an entrepreneur.

Fighting off Stress and Avoiding Burnout

Let’s face facts, It’s hard to maintain your sanity through a tiresome day. Stressful days are inevitable and they can cause a lot of harm to our productivity and health. 

Well if we can’t avoid stressful days, what should we do? 

Austin suggests that you engage in activities that would help prepare and strengthen your mind for the tiresome days that lie ahead. Some excellent examples of these activities include meditation and working out. Frequent exercise has been known to greatly reduce stress levels. 

Another way to fight off stress is to find the causative factor. Once this is found, the next thing is to seek redress, identify the problem, look for a solution, and execute the solution effectively until the problem is resolved. 

Apart from stress, Burnout is something we deal with frequently too. Unlike stress, burnout is a more severe experience. Burnout is a form of stress that occurs when our body is exposed to too much stress and this can lead to both physical and mental exhaustion.  

In his early days as an entrepreneur, Austin worked for hours on end, non-stop. This caused a noticeable change in his life. He was always tired, felt sick and lost his drive to continue. It wasn’t until his mentor informed him about the consequences of not taking care of oneself that Austin realized he was going about entrepreneurship the wrong way. 

Whenever we push our bodies to the limit, you’ll notice a drop in performance. This is due to the wear and tear principle. When a machine is used regularly without maintenance and in poor working conditions, it generates the lowest possible work output. The same can be said for humans. So it’s important to take a breather every once in a while to ensure your body doesn’t fail and your work output doesn’t suffer.

Grooming Successful habits

A successful habit is a trait that helps in propelling an individual to greater heights in the journey of life. The best model of one’s self most likely practices that habit.  

Developing these habits can be time-consuming hence lots of patience is required. In order to cultivate these habits without experiencing feats of frustration and desperation, Austin recommends that you avoid a mindset that glorifies instant gratification. 

Instead, you should find out the actual timeline required for the cultivation of this habit, set your mind to it and get to work. When creating a new habit, take on things one at a time. Evenly pace yourself as it is easiest to focus on a lesser number of things per time as against taking on too many things.  

And once you successfully learn your selected habit, watch it kick in. Naturally, when you repeat a habit numerous times, your brain imprints it into your system making you do them unconsciously. 

To attain this, consistency is key. Set reminders if you have to, use a sticky note and even run your day using a checklist if you have to. What matters, in the end, is the result; a new habit for success.  

Thoughts On Growth 

Austin plans to grow and succeed by continually striving to be the best version of himself he can possibly be. He shares that he is grateful for the heights he’s reached and the opportunities he’s been given, but he won’t choose to settle there; he’s hungry for more. 

Over time, He has come to the realization that he can do extra, and as a result, he is in constant pursuit to attain heights meant for him to do this. He associates with those on a higher pedestal; learns from then, analyzes the knowledge gained and adapts it for his use. 

He will continue to stretch the limits of what can be achieved by him and his company in order to help as many people as possible. Another growth plan Austin plans to utilize is the habit of learning from past failures. 

In life, rather than running away from our past failures, Austin recommends we analyze our failed work, determine a root cause, find a way around it and then use the lessons learned to become much better.  

Drawing Motivation

There are a lot of motivating factors for Austin, and one of them is his family. As the last of six children, although not conventional, Austin dawns this sense of responsibility to cater for them, and give them the best lives possible. 

Apart from his immediate family, Austin also draws inspiration from his future family, that is, his wife and kids Each day, he strives to ensure that their lives are completely catered for. As you can see, Family is a major source of motivation for Austin. 

Still on the topic of motivation, a considerable source will be the state of the society and the nature of things going on in the world. Issues such as extreme poverty, starvation, pollution, global warming. All these issues are pertinent and although he alone constitutes a drop of water in comparison to the oceanic quantity of inputs required to cause change, he believes that this change can be achieved if we all come together.