Hernan Vazquez is a young entrepreneur who’s helped dozens of individuals achieve overall success. Recently, I had the chance to interview Hernan and we discussed topics such as overcoming stress and achieving success as an entrepreneur. Let’s have a look at what he had to say:
Overcoming Stress
Stress and burnout are aspects of life that affect millions around the world daily. These ailments can cause disastrous consequences later on in our lives. So how do we overcome stress and burnout?
Well, to overcome this, Hernan recommends that you engage in mindfulness activities such as working and mediation. These have been known to reduce the amount of stress individuals experience.
Other things Hernan recommends you do are: helping people on a daily basis and practicing the habit of being grateful.
Drawing Inspiration
As an entrepreneur, finding the right inspiration and support to move forward can sometimes be bothersome. When asked where he gains the inspiration to move forward with his goals Hernan points out to the fact that he is helping others build their businesses and achieve their dreams. In turn, making a positive impact on the planet.
Here are a few words of advice from Hernan to anyone who wants to achieve success in their field;
“Try to learn as much as possible from as many people as possible. Discover who you want to be in the future, and find out who is already doing that. Become their helped, their apprentice and their mentee. Work for them for free.“