Jess Glazer is a business coach and entrepreneur who’s helped dozens of brands and individuals achieve success in their fields. In this article, we will learn how Jess has overcome stress, burn out, and various obstacles over the years.
Overcoming Stress
Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and lengthened stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.
In light of this, Jess admits that she’s experienced burn out before. In fact, twice. This occurred last year when Jess exposed herself to copious amounts of stress. Below she shares a few things she did that helped her get over this.
First, she practiced “having grace with herself.” Jess reveals that she doesn’t believe in balance. She’s someone who’s more inclined to seasons. The practice of having grace with oneself involves not judging yourself, forgiving yourself, and remembering that all feedback is natural.
The next thing Jess shares that helped her come out of burnout is scheduling. Yes, having an optimized schedule can help you feel less stressed when working. Jess shares that she’s very strict with her schedule, she ensures that everything that would be beneficial to her personal growth and success is accounted for in that schedule and blocks off the rest. This helps her exert energy on more important things.
Lastly, Jess advises that you engage in mindfulness activities such as jogging, working out, and meditation. These have been known to reduce stress.
Conquering Obstacles
As humans, we face obstacles every day. These obstacles either make us or break us in the long run, depending on how we deal with them.
To say the least, Jess’s journey has been quite difficult. She’s faced a lot of obstacles. From surfing a ten year battle with an eating disorder to teaching elementary school physical education in a wheelchair for 4 months, twice! She also recalls how she had to navigate being a caretaker for her mom after her kidney transplant.
All these seemed like a lot for Jess to handle. While she was experiencing these obstacles, Jess realized that the only way she could overcome was to reach out and ask for help. Before her ordeal, Jess was of the mentality that asking for help was a weakness. It wasn’t until later that she understood that it was her biggest strength!
Words of Advice
In this section, Jess shares words of advice for anyone striving to achieve some form of success in life;
“Ask for help! Find mentors (even if they don’t know they’re mentoring you, for example following someone on social media). Also, read books, listen to podcasts, get uncomfortable often, and. do what it takes to “get in the right room” or “sit at the table.”
Apart from these, you should learn to ask a ton of questions, listen to people more than you talk to them, check your ego at the door, know that you’re going to mess up, take messy and fast action and stop comparing yourself with someone who started years before you did.” – Jess.