Your success is locked in your Mindset and is just one step away to find you!

Are you familiar with this quote? “Never judge a book by its cover”

f you are, then you know that is not literally referring to books but life itself instead; to the first time you meet someone or the time you try something new. Or what about  the time one of your best friend comes to you with this amazing opportunity that could change your life forever; or when that same friend tells you how he’s/ she’s about to embark in an incredible spiritual journey and you should join; but since you’re not sure what it is, you decline and keep on living your life the same way you have been doing until now.

Does any of the above sound familiar at all?

Let’s get real and honest.

How many times you’ve met someone and you already made up your mind of who they are by the way they were dressed or by the first words that came out of their mouth; by the way they moved their hands or didn’t; or made a weird expression when you said something and you immediately start disliking them. How many times have you felt that way? And how many times do you think you made someone feel that way?

Let me share something with you, as a human, most people are scared of what they don’t know.

Why taking them into the unknown when what they know is totally comfortable, is easy, is familiar.

Would you risk everything to get out of your own way? When you don’t know what’s on the other side? Or just thinking of it makes you feel:

Scared! Helpless! Unworthy! Content! Happy?

Fearing of what would happen if something different came into your life. Fearing your whole life might change and what’s worst… You’ll have to change

I use to feel that way… And it wasn’t until something unexpected, out of my control, happened in my life that I had no other choice than to power through and do what needed to be done. Is through tragedies that we end up finding our best self; through those moments of total despair, pain, and uncertainty is where we found our strength and discover the person that we truly are.

It wasn’t until I pulled myself together and out of depression, with the help of people who really cared about me, and loads loads of reading, exercising, and therapy; that I realized that my life had to change, therefore I had to change too.

Was I scared? Hell yeah!

Your life challenges are the window of your opportunities… Make them count and be who you were always meant to be!

Did I wish  everything went  back the way it was before? Hell NO!

I am a strong believer that the Universe is always sending new chances our way, sometimes we catch them straight away… and sometimes it takes us longer, but eventually most of us do.

I was ready to start fresh…to step into the unknown, and to start seeing and feeling things in a different way; from a place of love and no judgement; from a place of compassion and understanding; being more human and at peace with myself and the world around me.

Life changes you; through what you’ve gone through; through what you have learned from it all; through the people you have met in your life, for the good and the not so good, they have all made a difference.

Who are we if we don’t learn from all we have experienced and gone through?

Who are we if can’t become better, kinder and wiser?

Who are we to judge someone else by their appearance? By the way they talk? Based on what kind of job they do? Or they culture or background?

Everything can change from one moment to the next, no matter how much you planned your life; no matter how hard you worked to have what you now have; no matter what fancy degree you got from University… EVERYTHING CAN CHANGE!

So the next time that you meet someone and they seem angry, or dismissive, or sad, or on a hurry or happy; please don’t be so quick to judge and create a fixed character for this person; you don’t know what’s going on on their lives, be kind, a simple gesture such as a smile which doesn’t cost anything, can change a person’s day.

Leave everyone knowing that there are still kind and good people in this world, because that’s what the world needs more of right now: Kindness and Love.

Love, Light, BE

Maria C. Krause. Mindset and Business Coach.

Maria believes that no one should be boxed for what they do or what they have done, the Universe gives us opportunities every day to be who we were always meant to be, and we have the power to be and do whatever we want if we put our minds and souls into it.

Maria C. Krause’s souls mission is to help others Unchain their inner strength and uncover their true passion for life itself and all the beautiful things that life has to offer.

Like most people, Maria  has gone through her own personal struggles and challenges in life, and after battling with severe depression through her mid 30’s she has learned to love the woman she now has become,  to be stronger and follow her dreams to help others overcome their fears and live their best lives yet.

Maria is the founder and owner of the recently rebranded online magazine and podcast “UNCHAIN your inner strength” and the Facebook tribe “THE ELITE SOUL SOCIETY” (all previously known as SOUL SISTER’S UNIVERSE) .Through her platforms, Maria empowers women who are just getting started on their self-discovery and entrepreneurial  journey to share their life stories and open up their heart to inspire others in believing in themselves.


  • Maria C. Krause

    Mindset and Business Mentor

    Maria C. Krause Coaching | UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH

    Maria C. Krause’s souls mission is to help others Unchain their inner strength, rediscover who they are, their soul purpose and start creating a life and business aligned to their true self.   Like most people, Maria  has gone through her own personal struggles and challenges in life, and after battling with severe depression through her mid 30’s she has learned to love the woman she now has become,  to be stronger and follow her dreams to help others overcome their fears and live their best lives yet. Through her business, which includes Mindset & Business Mentor; Founder of Unchain Your Inner Strength podcast and online magazine; and her second podcast (she loves podcasting!), The Rising Soulpreneur; Maria helps women from all different backgrounds, cultures and upbringings to start believing in themselves and create life and businesses based in their authentic soul purpose.   Maria believes that no one should be boxed for what they do or what they have done, the Universe gives us opportunities every day to be who we were always meant to be, and we have the power to be and do whatever we want if we put our minds and souls into it.