It is her life’s purpose to help others with the strength of her intuition and ability to attract open doors. Primarily she works with entrepreneurs to help them solidify their brand and land features for exposure, but she continues to work as an abundance coach, helping women find their spirituality and build a firm foundation of gratitude on which to manifest from. She has worked with thousands of women by performing Tarot readings, leading spell work and rituals, teaching manifestation lessons, and providing business strategies and mindset work. She has been featured in multiple publications including Cosmopolitan, Bust, and Daily Mail, and is the author of Cosmopolitan’s book on Love Spells, The Power of Hex (Chicago Review Press, September 2020), and Witches Brew (Sterling publishing, 2021). She recently founded the Boss Mystic Podcast Network, which is a growing home to witchcraft podcasts, including two of her own, The Boss Mystic and True Crime Astrology.
Tell us about who you are and what you do.
I’m a professional witch and business coach who shows women that business doesn’t have to be forced or overtly aggressive. Instead, it can be intuitive and feel incredibly aligned. I find that running a business becomes a lot more successful and purposeful when it’s an extension of our values. It helps us show up in online spaces more powerfully and authentically, and truly makes an impact on our audience. And because my brand is hinged so fully on that I am a practicing witch, I use it as a way to guide intention with my clients, whether or not they practice magick.
Tell us how you created this brand and what was the sole idea behind it.
So my brand actually started as a tarot blog, where I wrote about how modalities I learned and breakthroughs I had in therapy matched up with the messages in my tarot readings. It became incredibly successful, and so it morphed into a life coaching business, and because that gained success, I now teach women how to run their own businesses! The message has always stayed the same though- empowerment through learning how to show up authentically.
Go in detail and tell us about how your brand works.
My brand is a very alluring witchcraft brand that teaches spiritual people how to run businesses. Because spiritualists are very often empaths, we find it hard to set boundaries in business and show up in a way that is profitable. So because I bring both magick and purposeful boundaries to the table, I attract people that need help in a way that is softer and deeper than “Just do XYZ to fill your wallet.” So within this context, I create programs, courses, and mentor women that need this specific help in this specific way.
What is your giveaway idea through this interview?
Because I work specifically in the field of coaching, I have created an absolutely free masterclass for coaches looking to scale to their first 5k month! Any personal brand or entrepreneur can benefit from this training, but it is specifically geared towards those providing services to their client base. You can access it here:
Explain the challenges you went through while you were working on brand creation. What are the challenges you go through on an everyday basis?
The main struggle that I face, and that I think every entrepreneur is familiar with, is staying on top of my mindset. This is why I approach my coaching with shadow work, which, simply, is a way to ask yourself how your fears and blocks are actually serving you, so you can properly release them without shame. This allows a person to enlighten themselves with self-awareness, rather than pushing down a problem until it combusts. So I make sure to do this for myself, and to help lead my clients through it as well.
How do you manage your finances through the services you offer. Any fundings etc received?
I am all self-funded! I worked really hard to save money and invest wisely in programs and mentors that have helped me scale early on, so now that I am a six-figure entrepreneur, I can afford more high-end services to keep the momentum going.
Tell us your future vision about the brand. How far do you want to take it? What is your dream about taking it to the next level?
I want to take my brand as far as it will go. My dream is to scale to 7 figures with the growth of my podcasting network, speaking engagements, more book deals, collaborations with brands, and dream clients that grow with me. I don’t see myself slowing down any time soon, and the thought of my 5, 10, and 15-year plans exhilarate me.
What message would you like to give to anybody who has a plan of creating something of their own and making a living through it?
Don’t give up! Running a business is a marathon, not a sprint, so if you hit some snags, you can’t take it as a sign from the universe that you weren’t meant for this. Challenges do not create quitters. Choices do.
Company name: Witchy Wisdoms
Email Address: [email protected]
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Instagram URL : @witchywisdoms