We all want to get better. To a greater or lesser extent, we think that we can do better, that something will happen to our future that can be better. We even compare ourselves to other people who “get it right the first time” and get things done easily while you go around the road several times to reach your final goal. Who doesn’t want a shortcut?

When I was 8 years old I fell into a severe depression because I suffered bullying and abuse. I was hospitalized in child psychiatry with withdrawals and discharges until I was 17. Today I am 24 and the only thing left to overcome is my low self-esteem, insecurity and that I have no self-respect. And that’s something that causes me quite a lot of problems in my day-to-day life.

Do you value yourself? Do you criticize yourself
We all want to get better. To a greater or lesser extent, we think that we can do better, that something will happen to our future that can be better. We even compare ourselves to other people who “get it right the first time” and get things done easily while you go around the road several times to reach your final goal. Who doesn’t want a shortcut?

When I was 8 years old I fell into a severe depression because I suffered bullying and abuse. I was hospitalized in child psychiatry with withdrawals and discharges until I was 17. Today I am 24 and the only thing left to overcome is my low self-esteem, insecurity and that I have no self-respect. And that’s something that causes me quite a lot of problems in my day-to-day life.

The family environment has a great influence on our self-esteem. If our parents have a positive idea of themselves, it’s much more likely that our self-esteem will be higher. If, on the contrary, we have seen from childhood a lack of self-esteem in our parents, with emotional distance, criticism or even disqualification towards us, there is no doubt that our self-esteem will be very low. As a result of this last situation, we will be much more exposed outside the home, where we will find it hard to defend ourselves and may even be afraid of success.

Whatever the situation we have experienced, it is in our hands to realize that we lack self-esteem and that we need to work on it to recover it. How can we do this?

1) Examine your way of expressing yourself to

How we show ourselves or speak to others determines how we see ourselves. If you think about your words or how you express yourself you will notice the aspects where you show negativity. Start positively expressing yourself. You will probably feel forced at first, but as you do this, it will come out on its own.

2)Observe the people around you

The people who are close to you at all times have a lot to do with your self-esteem because if you surround yourself with toxic people you will never look good. It is necessary to realize the people who steal your energy and those who want good for you and help you achieve all that you deserve

3)Plan what makes you feel good

Feeling good doesn’t mean going to the gym to be physically active. Feeling good is the sum of body, mind, and emotions. Therefore, you will need to be active and do those activities that allow you to reach a positive state in all three areas to achieve that personal well-being.

4)Value what you do have

You can make a list if you want or think about it. Think about the effort it has taken you to achieve everything you have, what it allows you to do and what it compensates you for. Don’t feel bad about thinking that any of these gives you money, without money you wouldn’t be able to do many things that you’re probably doing.


Celebrate your achievements. You’ve worked hard and have been positive for a week now and you’re feeling better. It’s time to make up for it by doing something you love.