According to the World Health Organization, health isn’t just the mere absence of disease or infirmity. It’s much more than that. It encompasses the complete state of physical, mental, and social wellbeing.

Going by this declaration, it is self-evident that only very few people are actually enjoy health. This is because modern day demands are making it increasingly difficult to maintain an all-round health, and by extension, wellbeing.

Research findings have however got you a way out.

And that is outdoor recreation.

According to findings, many outdoor recreations focus on different aspects of your well-being and ultimately lead to a better all-round health.

And the added value is that these activities are highly enjoyable just as they are effective. Plus they’re neither expensive nor complicated.

Well, why not let look at these outdoor activities so that you can determine which is for you.

Shall we?

1.        Cycling

Bicycle has been around for a very long time, first as a means of transportation and later as a form of sport. Today, Cycling is fun and healthy recreation. It is appropriate for all ages since it requires just minimal energy.

And it needs not disrupt your routines as you can cycle to your work, shops etc.

All this at your own pace.

What more, cycling has been found to help hold at bay serious diseases such as stroke, heart attack, depression, diabetes, obesity, some cancers and arthritis.

2.        Hiking

Living a sedentary life can be very dangerous to your health, so you may consider hiking regularly. Hiking is an outdoor activity that can reactivate your systems. When you hit the trails and hike in the open you stand to benefit a lot.

There is the exposure to the sun light (use sunscreen cream on your skin if necessary) and the topping of vitamin D accumulation. And there is also the mental health benefit of mood and spirit boosts. This is especially true when you hike through a natural environment.   

Also, because hiking helps burn lots of calories, it works effectively against obesity.

Harvard Health once said that a 185-pound person who hikes for two hours can burn as much as 1,064 calories.

3.        Fishing

Angling is a fantastic outdoor recreation which is capable of keeping you both mentally and physically fit. It doesn’t matter whether you’re just a hobbyist or you’re a competitive angler.

What really matters is that you go out there, set up, cast off and then wind in hundreds of fish, both small and big.  

These activities certainly tone up your muscles and improves your blood circulation.

Using flies will be added fun. And there are now colourful flies on the market.

The texture, shape and colour of these flies don’t just appeal to the fish alone, they appeal to your own senses too.

Just check and see what options you’ve got.             

4.        Jogging

Obesity, overweight, is arguably unsightly, but unfortunately our society is becoming flooded with it. Meanwhile, sedentary life is the major culprit.

But if you can go jogging for two hours daily, you’ll burn fat and your muscles will be strengthened and toned. This invariably conquers obesity.

And that is besides improving your cardiovascular fitness and overall physical well-being.

5.        Visiting Parks

Visiting a park is one of the best ways to connect and reconnect with nature. The air is free of pollutants such as car exhaust and discordant noises. This serenity promotes vitality, calmness, happiness and a high sense of security. The impact on you is a lift of mood and revitalization. This effectively neutralises stress.

And if you do this with loved ones, the positive effect on your mental health is going to be tripled.