Driving a vehicle is similar in how we drive our lives. It all starts with beliefs and then the action.
Are you going in Reverse? – Placing the vehicle’s gear shift to move the car in reverse is typically to pull out of a parking space or maneuver into a small, specific area. There isn’t much movement when going in reverse for the two situations, a few feet at a time. Basically, readjusting the vehicle to park or move forward.
It’s the same with beliefs. Having a belief in something that at one point was accepted or considered to be true, and having to readjust. Some will shift their thoughts about the belief just enough to feel comfortable, or fit in the parking space. Others will look back (go in reverse) and challenge the belief, gain perspective and acceptance for a new belief, and move forward.
Here’s an example: You may be able to describe what you don’t like about your job, but when asked what you do like, you don’t have a clue. Keeping closed or always complaining about what you don’t like can be a comforting feeling because the result is not having to make any decisions or take responsibility. Do you stay stuck with the brakes on, park the car and limit your success, or do you challenge yourself enough to move forward?
If not Reverse, are you in Neutral? – Similar to reverse, although there’s no movement either in reverse or forward. There can be two sides of thought on neutral. One is being stuck in a belief and not willing to hear or consider alternatives. The other is that this can be a time for contemplation and development. A time to gain perspective and release identification with beliefs that may be limiting your health, relationships, or career.
When in a neutral state of mind, before going off in any direction, take the time to look at your surroundings, hear what people are saying, and refrain from forming an opinion or judgement. Keeping neutral will create the quiet space needed for your mind to find your way forward to what you truly desire.
Ready to accelerate to move forward? Whether fast or slow, if you’re going forward, you’re going in the right direction. When driving using a GPS, you don’t worry if you make a wrong turn because the GPS will redirect you. There’s always a way forward to reach a destination even if it means going in little out of the way to avoid traffic or learn something new. Often times, a side trip is just what you need to accelerate faster or in a more meaningful direction.
As we move forward, remember this is a time to be developing beliefs that enable you to do anything. If you think you can, you can. Anything is possible with a growth mindset.
Shifting to make a vehicle go in different directions is the same kind of shifting needed in life. Make the shifts you need to achieve your potential.
Drive safe and be well!