Once upon a time…in an ancient kingdom…
While the Courtiers were squabbling over what kind of wall should be constructed,
A herald entered and announced that the Emperor was grieving because
His eldest son was suffering from many ailments, but mostly from
Gremlins and Trolls who had entered the Castle illegally
Because the border was unprotected.
(The Emperor was also saddened because the Empress would not let him
Touch her hand).
The Emperor ordered ThreePence, one of the Court Jesters, to construct a Wall of
Emeralds and Rubies that would not only block the Trolls and Gremlins,
But blind them with brilliant shine (The Emperor loved shiny things).
ThreePence ordered the demonic Fata Morgana to come up with a scheme
To build and pay for The Wall. Fata suggested (really hypnotized) the Emperor
To order that no one in the Kingdom be paid till The Wall was built.
The Emperor, his son and ThreePence cheered…till they realized
That if no one was paid, no one would work, no one would eat
(Except, of course, for The Emperor, The Empress, their son
And the Courtiers). This saddened all.
Then Fata Morgana conjured a Mirage of The Wall that was reflected in the River
And the Sky, high above it. The Courtiers rejoiced. The son of The Emperor
Was no longer plagued by Gremlins and Trolls. The son realized
That he could seek friends right here at home in the Castle
And not halfway around the world.
And to the amazement of all, the Demon, Fata Morgana, was transformed into
Princess Pellagrino, the most beautiful of Princesses.
(And The Empress even relented, and let The Emperor touch her hand).
By Bernard Block