Are you making New Years resolutions?
This is the time of year when the people of earth are abuzz with resolving to change something, or for the more ambitious, everything.
Best laid plans…
With the best of intentions we start on January 1 and as the days pass, the energy of will power that you thought would produce the new and improved version you seek- has gone out the window. Result: feeling like a failure.
Hearing voices? Me too…
What’s worse than feeling like a failure? Making sure you don’t forget it. A little mean voice in your head starts to tell you, “See, I knew you couldn’t do it.” “Well, that was a bust.” “You’ll never change.” “You’ve failed again.” As horrible as it is, this is what we are programmed to do.
Change the programming
I’m here to tell you: YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE! It is time to change that inner programming.
The good part about this time of year is, most of us do look around and ask what would I like to change? You just need the focus and fuel to go through with it.
The time is now.
Step 1: Focus
Get quiet, take a few breaths and day dream about what you want in 2021. Write down your goals. That list can be as long or short as you like. 1 to 100 things.
Step 2: Fuel
Now you know what you want, every day chose to fuel the dream. Chose one thing on your goal list and imagine that you’ve already achieved it. Imagine in full color. How does it feel to have this new thing accomplished? What are the sensations in the body? Feel it in the present moment.
Step 3: Follow through
Using the energy of imagining accomplishing your goals and practicing how that feels, re-read your goal list and do one tiny thing every day to move you closer to your hearts desire. It could be as simple as telling someone else your goal, reading a book about it, or asking someone to help you move towards it.
Read on for how to get some support. FOR FREE
It was fun offering some free coaching in December, so I’ve opened up spots to offer another 10 people, to receive a 30 minute 1:1 coaching session in January! I will share 3 coaching tools to help make this a resolution revolution. What better way to start the new year?
Get yours here:
words from a client:
I highly recommend Lori to anyone that desires to explore their life’s passions, problems to progress past roadblocks that keep you from reaching your full potential personally and professionally.”