The idea of “failure” is scary because of its definition: “lack of success.” What if the definition was, instead: “stepping stone to success?”

People chase success, and most of the times, this term refers to an idea established by the society we live in. What if the definition of success was: “happiness?”

You see, if you change the definition of the words “failure” and “success” your perception changes too. Society is something entirely created by humans and we, as humans, have the power to change it. It’s hard to face disappointments, but if you train your brain to think that something better is on the way—it will eventually come.

If you are facing a failure, it’s probably because you took a risk—you were brave, so stop here for a second and appreciate your courage. I risked a lot in my life because I have always followed my heart. The heart usually pulls you in a direction but doesn’t give you any rational tips on how to face the challenges—that’s why I often got hurt. Now, when I look back, I see a clear path that took me where I need to be. That’s also the fun part of getting older—seeing things clearly.

For me, success is rooted in the WAY you live life, not in its definition. It’s built with time and it’s deeper than many people think—it’s the connection between your physical body and your soul. I believe that every one of us has a unique path that can take us to true happiness.

How can you find out if you are following that path or you diverted along the way? It’s not easy, but meditation is the best practice to stay connected to your soul—when you abandon the everyday worries and immerse yourself into the stillness, you can learn how to listen to your true self.

Originally published at