we all have a story to tell about the year 2020. As we ushered in the year 2020 I was so happy that this year was going to be a year of opportunities for me, to achieve the goals I had planned for myself. but then it didn’t turn out as we had expected, the most unexpected thing happen, covid-19 hit. It was on March 8th when it all started. I was in school preparing for my mid cats. When I heard the news I gotta say I was so afraid not me alone but all of us were, confusion was all over, people not knowing what to do about the news, being forced to a system of living that we weren’t used to. wearing face masks, using sanitizers, curfews and partial lockdowns, travel restrictions and social distancing. in

In our whole lives we have never faced such a pandemic or anything not even when Ebola broke. Adjusting to the new life wasn’t that easy for the people but still we did and for the few months we did our best to adhere to the directives of the Government and it succeeded. Many of us were forced into remote working conditions with online classes and exams and the period of March- September, the number of the unemployed rose up sharply due to job cuts. Not forgetting covid-19 has led to dramatic loss of lives worldwide and millions infected and still this pandemic presents unprecedented health crisis, effects of the workforce and a very very big public health concern in the future.

In Kenya there the COVID-19 response has no formal mental health response plan and this has led to a lot of unmet psychological needs in the communities. Even though there are guidelines present for the management of mental health during the pandemic, implementation has been the main issue, this is because the the government has no effective system this is because they are all poorly structured which also lucks a proper surveillance system so as to screen this mental issues with depression, anxiety, suicide and more substance abuse among youth and also early pregnancies. So I cant really say this year has been a good year.

Also good things have happened in 2020 that have lightened up our faces. spending more time with our families that we never spent much time with, we also tried doing new things during the quarantine period and also we learnt more about ourselves. and also to watch the great conjugation of Jupiter and Saturn. this year was all about looking for the moments that makes you smile because loneliness led to anxiety and maybe depression and I believe many found their moments to be happy no matter the circumstances.

2020 will go down in mans history a one of the unforgettable years of their lives. because everyone was affected one way or another and hoping for the better on the coming year tomorrow hoping that it will be a good year compared to 2020 and I too believe that it will be a good year and try to make the best of it. And I am saying goodbye to 2020 we will never forget you. you will always remind us of what we should do right and be concerned about and this is a big lesson we have learnt this year.
