“Fashions fade, Style is eternal.” ~ Yves Saint Laurent
Women across the world tend to confuse Fashion with Style.
Fashion is what is being offered and worn by most at any particular moment in time. It is a fad, a trend that does not last for long. When you are following fashion you are basically in a comparison mode, wanting to look and be seen like everyone else. You purchase and wear the same garments that are being offered in stores, depicted in magazines, and shown on the runway. It can be exhausting, not to mention quite a drain on your pocket, to have to keep up with the offerings each season.
Style on the other hand is unique, and very personal. It has nothing to do with fashion. Rather it is an indication of your persona. Fashion is over quickly, whereas style is forever.
Your style could be more about comfort than fashion, but by cultivating your own unique style you have adopted that innate capability now to be charismatic and confident. You are now the type of woman that everyone loves and is drawn towards. You become instantly and effortlessly attractive.
Listen in on this subject in my recent interview on the syndicated radio show, The Ed Tyll Show:
By cultivating your Style you’re building your own unique self-brand. You start exuding influence in just about any setting without even intending to do so. People start trusting you more and whatever words you say to them will carry more credibility because you are the living epitome of elegance. Your words, actions, mannerisms and confidence become apparent.
Your style and your image are very much tied to your success.
Have you ever wondered why you’re not closing more sales, getting those orders, winning those cases? Let’s face it, your self-confidence can be felt in a room, among your peers, and yes, even in a courtroom if you happen to be a lawyer or fighting to win a case.
Moreover your relationships, or the lack thereof, are intrinsically tied to your Style and how you come across to the world.
Knowing this then is it not time you did something about your Style?
© Rani St. Pucchi, 2017
Rani St. Pucchi is an award-winning Couture Fashion Designer, Style & Image Coach & Consultant, a Relationship Expert. She is a Bestselling Author, a Speaker, an Inspirational Success Coach and Trainer. Her #1 International Bestselling Books, Your Body, Your Style: Simple Tips on Dressing to Flatter Your Body Type and The SoulMate Checklist : Keys to Finding Your Perfect Partner are now available on Amazon and at Barnes & Nobles.
For your personalized Style & Image needs contact: [email protected]
For more information on Rani please visit www.ranistpucchi.com
Originally published at medium.com